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Friday, October 24, 2014

Book Review and Giveaway: Jesus Daily by Aaron Tabor, MD

About the Author:
Aaron Tabor, MD, started the Jesus Daily Facebook page in 2009. He is the President of Gene Facelift, a gene therapy biotechnology company developing anti-aging and wound healing drugs. Dr. Tabor is a graduate of The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
My Review
I collect devotionals and I'm glad to have added Jesus Daily to my collection. This unique devotional is based on the major themes found on Jesus Daily Facebook page. This book consists of 365 interactive devotions that encourage us readers to daily reflect on our relationship with Jesus and to share about Jesus through social media avenues. Some of the themes include Jesus is the answer, Jesus changed my life, Jesus heals, I need Jesus, etc. Each devotion starts with a Bible verse and ends with "Connect" (a daily interaction suggestion). The "Connect" section challenges us readers to do something online (and offline) to share our faith & our love, to encourage others, and to connect with others. Some examples are: "Send an e-card to someone who might need encouragement as they experience a trial or hardship," "Post a picture on Instagram or Pinterest that illustrates humility," and "Find a song, video clip, or interview that illustrates godly courage in action and post a link at"  It has been a pleasure reading this uplifting devotional. Each devotion is short, concise, and insightful. If you're already online a lot, you will appreciate all the great ideas given in this book on how to actively make God known. Check it out and enjoy celebrating Jesus daily!
"It takes a remarkably strong person to speak and to act with gentleness. You must know who you are and Whose you are in order to let go of having to prove yourself, exercise power over others, or demand the attention of entitlement." (from yesterday's devotion)

"Our heart muscles, both literally and figuratively, require regular exercise as well. When we're not praying, giving, serving, and loving on a daily basis, it becomes harder and harder to feel connected to God, to relate to other people, and to feel the purposeful joy that comes from serving." (from today's devotion)

GIVEAWAYYou can win a Jesus Daily t-shirt and a copy of Jesus Daily devotional. Open to US residents only. Ends 11/7 (at midnight Pacific time).

To enter: Please "Like" the Jesus Daily Facebook page and let me know here that you've done it in a comment. If you're not on Facebook, please share what your favorite devotional is or what one of your favorite Bible verses is. Please make sure that you also leave your email address so that I may contact you if you're chosen (randomly) as a winner.
For extra entries (please leave a separate comment for each one that you do):
- Follow this blog via GFC or NetworkedBlogs
- "Like" my page "Christ Alone" on Facebook
- Follow me on Twitter: @treasuredbyGod 
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- Share the link to this giveaway post on Facebook 
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~I received a free copy of this book via Hachette Book Group in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Would love to win. Love the music with this. Love you with the Love of the Lord too.


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