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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Book Review: The Jesus Code by O.S. Hawkins

The Jesus Code is a unique devotional book that covers 52 Scripture questions every believer should answer (one devotional for every week of the year). I think the title of the book is a little misleading. I thought that all 52 questions would be from Jesus but I found out that's not the case. In fact, there are more questions from the Old Testament (27) than from the New Testament (25). Since Jesus asks lots of questions in the Gospels (over 150 questions), the author calls his book, "The Jesus Code," explaining that it is okay for us believers to ask questions. Actually, it is healthy and good for us to grow in wisdom and faith by asking questions. Each devotional starts with a question from the Bible. Then the author helps readers discover answers by sharing Biblical insights and applications. Each devotional ends with Q & A section which sums up the main message. Some of the questions include If the Lord Is with Us, Why Then Has All This Happened to Us?, What Are You Doing Here?, Is It Right for You to Be Angry?, Lord, What Do You Want Me to Do?, and What Is your Life? At the end of the book, the author asks one more question, "What shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?" (Matthew 27:22) and invites readers to personally answer the question by putting their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Each devotional is short and easy to digest. The book talks about various important topics such as temptations, discouragement, integrity, decision-making, spiritual depression, importance of common sense, attributes of God, resentment, worry, repentance, and more. It's great for reflecting and for digging deeper into the Bible. I enjoyed reading this book and I like the author's writing style. I collect devotionals and I'm happy to add this one to my collection :). I'm thankful that our Heavenly Father always welcomes our questions and desires to have a deeper relationship with us. The Jesus Code is a beautiful antique-looking book with brown leather covers. It would be an ideal gift for new believers and anyone who appreciates devotionals. I love the fact that all royalties from this book go to support retired ministers and their wives (or widows) through Mission: Dignity.

~I received a free copy of this book via BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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