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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Loving and Caring for the Unwanted

Tomorrow is World Leprosy Day. Leprosy is not just a disease people had in Bible times; it is still an infectious disease today. "There are tens of thousands of people suffering from leprosy in more than 1,000 leprosy colonies throughout South Asia. Leprosy is a bacterial disease that attacks the nervous system, particularly the nerves of the hands, feet and face. As the body absorbs cartilage into its system, victims of the disease slowly lose their fingers, toes and even limbs. The social stigma is devastating, perhaps even worse than the disease itself." (taken from ) Often there's no one there for them. They have to deal with not only leprosy but also loneliness. This chronic infectious, disfiguring disease has left them shunned from society and even from their own family and friends. They suffer not only from physical pain but also from emotional pain (of being rejected, abandoned, and unwanted).

In the midst of this gloom, some missionaries from Gospel for Asia have reached out to these afflicted ones with the love and light of Jesus Christ, offering them hope and help desperately needed. They wash the clothes of leprosy patients, cut their hair & nails, dress their wounds, and bathe them. They also share the Gospel with them, counsel, encourage and pray for them. They put Christ's love in action; they serve the Lord by serving these people, the unwanted. This is part of Gospel for Asia’s leprosy ministry called Reaching Friends Ministry. It is because of God’s grace that we have the strength, courage and motivation to work among these people, to share with them, to hug them, to love them and to care for them,” Pastor Jiva says (Quote from Compelled by Love for Those with Leprosy). Gospel for Asia also opened a hospital providing best treatments and friendly staff to care for these patients.

Find out how you can pray for the ministry and the patients here.
Read more about the works of these dedicated, compassionate missionaries here.
Read about the a healing story here.
Find out how you can support this important ministry here.
Gospel for Asia provides their leprosy patients with:
  • Nourishing meal each day
  • Medical treatments so their wounds can heal faster
  • Custom shoes for their disfigured and hurting feet
  • Hygiene supplies
100% of what you give toward the field goes to the field.

Please consider donating to this great cause. You can also be a voice for the hurting by spreading an awareness about this problem.

"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.'" (Matthew 25:40)

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