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Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #102

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story)

My Fave Five this week:
1. The free clothing swap on Saturday was fun. I gave away lots of clothes and picked up lots of "new to me" clothes.

2. My husband and I enjoyed our rare date night at George Fox University's Chinese New Year Celebration. 

3. One of my kids said to me, "You're like a nun who is married." Should I take that as a compliment :)?

4. I won a copy of The 5 Love Languages for Men from a book giveaway. Speaking of love languages, I greatly appreciate sweet acts of service from my husband (Eric is one of the kindest & most loving servant leaders in the whole world)! 

5. I love this prayer:
"Gracious and holy Father,
please give me:
intellect to understand You;
reason to discern You;
diligence to seek You;
wisdom to find You;
a spirit to know You;
a heart to meditate upon You;
ears to hear You;
eyes to see You;
a tongue to proclaim You;
a way of life pleasing to You;
patience to wait for You;
and perseverance to look for You.
A Prayer of St Benedict (480-547)
And I love this video: 
This video has touched me more than one way. It made me think of how God is so devoted to us, loving and caring for us all the time even when we cannot see how He is working in our lives. I am in awe of His love for me all over again.


  1. I'm late visiting or FFF. Your date night sounds fun! Congratulations on winning the book - one of my favorite things to win.

    The free clothing swap sounds like a great idea.

  2. Yay for date nights! Sweet pic of you two. Don't kids say the funniest things? That one made me smile. Thanks for sharing that prayer. It is very meaningful!

  3. I love that prayer by St. Benedict!
    If you think your child meant that comment as a compliment, take it that way--I think it probably was--what a sweet way to express your devotion to Christ.


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