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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Book Review: 31 Days of Mountaintop Miracles by Susie Y. Jennings

Our God is God of miracles! Miracles didn't happen only in the Bible time; they still happen today. I enjoyed reading 31 Days of Mountaintop Miracles. The author, Susie Jennings, shares about miracles after miracles that have taken place in her life as she's resolved to live for God with unconditional obedience. After a tragic death of her husband, Susie found her calling to reach out to the homeless in her own city with blankets and the Gospel message. Along her journey, she has witnessed God's wonders time and time again. God's faithfulness, goodness, and power as well as Susie's passion, faith, and devotion to God shine through this book. 

The book is divided into 5 parts: Miracles of God's Promises and Plans, Miracles of Answered Prayers, Miracles of God's Perfect Timing, Miracles of Obedience, and Miracles of God's Provision. It is written in a devotional style. Each day's devotion starts with Bible verses and ends with Mastering a Miracle Mindset questions which aim to challenge readers to look through their spiritual eyes and see God's miracles in their everyday lives. Susie believes that when God gives the vision, He also gives the provision. God has blessed her steps of faith & obedience from simple blankets and Gospel tracts to Operation Care International, a global outreach ministry dedicated to caring for the homeless in Dallas, Texas and children in need around the world. 

Susie Jennings reminds me of George Müller, a Christian evangelist/a man of great faith and prayer, who cared for over 10,000 orphans in his life. In both of their lives, I see total dependence upon God and a beautiful childlike faith. Susie is a woman of prayer who walks in faith, love, service, and obedience to God. Her radical obedience brings glory and honor to God and makes an eternal impact on so many lives. Never underestimate what God can do and will do when you surrender all to Him and obey Him wholeheartedly/unconditionally. Keep your eyes wide open and you'll see God's fingerprints everywhere. I highly recommend this inspiring read! Prepare to be astonished :)! All proceeds from this book will go directly to Operation Care International.

"We've all had a lifetime of miracle moments--the key is to recognize them and give all honor and praise to God for the glorious ways He provides them." (Susie Jennings)

"After all, when you find yourself in the middle of a God-shaped miracle, is it any wonder that you want to give God the glory for the rest of your life?" (p. 172)

~I received a free copy of this book via The Book Club Network ( in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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