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Friday, June 24, 2016

Christ's Grace Suffices

- Paul asks the Lord three times to take his "thorn in the flesh" away. Jesus does not take it away but offers His grace to bear it, instead. Christ's grace is sufficient for any affliction, trial, or hardship. His grace sustains and strengthens us. God knows what we need when we need it. Our weaknesses provide opportunities for the display of divine power. Paul boasts gladly about his weaknesses in order to show Christ's power resting on him. Paul is finally content to live with his "thorn" because he finds rest in Christ's power and grace.

- God may not always remove our problems, sufferings, sorrows or change our circumstances but He will always give us His grace to endure. Psalm 46:10a says, "
Be still ('raphah' in Hebrew means 'be weak, let go'), and know that I am God." God wants us to let go and be weak...thus lean on Him and completely depend on Him. Any hardship in life is an opportunity to showcase God's grace and glorify Him.

- God's power/strength is made perfect in our weakness. It stands out best/shines brightest when we are weak and humbly acknowledge that we need God's help and look to Him for strength. "Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always." (Psalm 105:4) Do you feel weak or weary? Perfect! You're in the perfect condition to receive God's grace, power, and strength. "It was the very experience of weakness which allowed Paul to discover God's strength." (Alistair Begg) When we think we are strong and can handle everything ourselves, we are actually weak because we trust and rely on selves, instead of God. When we realize we're weak, we become strong because we rely on Christ's strength. "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13) Be humble and admit your limitations and weaknesses before God. You will experience the benefits and blessings of God's amazing, sufficient grace.

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