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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Proclaim the Gospel Without Fear

You never know how God may use your trials and hardships to encourage others and to further His kingdom. I believe that we, Christ's followers, never suffer in vain. Even during Paul's house arrest in Rome, God still used him to share the gospel (with Roman soldiers) and write letters. Seeing Paul keep his faith steadfast and persevere in proclaiming the gospel despite his dire circumstances, many believers gained fresh confidence in the Lord and became bolder in telling others about Christ without fear. Their own faith was strengthened by Paul's faithful, fearless example. Their vision was fueled by Paul's passion. They realized that because of his imprisonment, Paul could not go outside to share the gospel on the streets. Therefore, they were moved to step up and take over this responsibility. Enthusiasm is contagious. Faith is encouraging. Courage is inspiring. Often stories of the persecuted Christians inspire some timid, silent Christians to step out of their comfort zone and to take the Great Commission seriously. 

"A soul all on flame has power to kindle others." (Alexander Maclaren)

"Our walk (especially, our attitude) always has an effect, not only on the lost, but also on the Lord’s people. If we’re cheerfully trusting in the loving sovereignty of God in the midst of trials, as Paul did, we proclaim the reality of faith in Christ both to the lost and to the saved. Lost people will want to know why we’re different, why we don’t complain like everyone else. The Lord’s people who are discouraged will see our faith in God in the midst of trials and be encouraged to trust Him and bear witness for Him." (Steven Cole)

To ponder: Are you willing to share God's Word and tell others about Christ with boldness even though you may face possible danger, opposition, ridicule, problems, and persecution? Can people tell that you are passionate/enthusiastic about spreading the gospel?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your constant, comforting presence in my life! I know You're with me in the fire and in the storm, loving, guiding, and sustaining me. Please show me how to use my trials as opportunities to proclaim the gospel and to exalt & honor You. Please empower me to be a bold witness for You, come what may. Make me a flaming soul that will set this world on fire for Jesus! May I radiate out the warmth of Your love and truth and thus draw others to want to know You! Please watch over Your persecuted children around the world and enable them to stay strong & steadfast in their faith and in their furtherance of the gospel. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

P.S. I hope this video will inspire you to go and tell the world about Jesus :)! 

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