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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Let the Peace of Christ Rule in Your Hearts

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." (Colossians 3:15)

Let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts! It's the same peace (soul at rest, calmness in heart, regardless of circumstances) Christ talks about in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." It is given by Christ/produced by His Spirit. Our hearts are the c
enter of conflict in our desires and feelings. We must surrender all to Christ and let His peace that surpasses all understanding take control over our hearts. When we learn to commit everything to His care and trust Him completely, we will have His peace...perfect peace. "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." (Isaiah 26:3)

"Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.
Peace, perfect peace, with sorrows surging 'round?

On Jesus' bosom naught but calm is found." 
(E. H. Bickersteth)

We, Christ's followers, are called to seek, maintain, cultivate, and foster peace as we are members of one body. We are to live in peace with one have unity/oneness, not division, envy, or contention. Let the peace of Christ rule in all our relationships, decisions, and responses. When we individually have Christ's peace within our hearts, we are more likely to contribute and experience peace in the Body of Christ. Discord and disharmony among the Body of Christ cause negative impacts on both unbelievers and believers.

A peaceful heart and a thankful heart go hand in hand. When our heart is filled with peace, we are thankful and when our heart is thankful, we are filled with peace. Be thankful that God has rescued us from eternal death and has given us eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ. Be thankful for what Christ has done for us. Be thankful for our peace with God, made possible by Christ's shed blood for us. Be thankful for the Body of Christ bonded by the love of Christ. Be thankful for the profound peace which is a gift from God. The Spirit of God through the Word of God brings about the peace of God in our hearts. Beware of things that can rob us of our peace: unconfessed sin, worry, fear, resentment/unforgiveness, and ungratefulness (aka discontent, complaining, jealousy).

"This refrain ("Be thankful") is repeated over and over again in Paul’s writings. There must have been a good reason: The Spirit of God must consider a thankful spirit very important. And we believe that it is!—important not only for a person’s spiritual life, but for his physical welfare as well. Doctors have found out what the Scriptures have taught through the years—that a cheerful, thankful attitude of mind is beneficial for the body, and that worry, depression, and a complaining spirit are definitely harmful to one’s health...Of all peoples of the world, we have the most for which to give thanks." (William MacDonald)

To ponder: While we are proclaiming peace, love, and joy with our words...on our Christmas cards, can people tell there's peace, love, and joy in our our lives?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for Your gift of peace. May my heart continually be governed by Your peace and be occupied with gratitude to You! Thank You for Your constant presence, provision, and protection. Please help me fix my thoughts on You, Your power, Your promises, and Your purposes. Please help me to be at peace with everyone and be a peacemaker always.

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