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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Review and Giveaway: Magdalena: Through Her Eyes DVD

About MAGDALENA: Through Her Eyes DVD (from Campus Crusade for Christ, ~82 minutes long):

MAGDALENA: Through Her Eyes is the story of Jesus from a woman's perspective. As she followed Jesus, Mary Magdalene witnessed changed lives, miracles, and His tenderness toward women. Her own life was radically transformed when Jesus healed her and gave her a new purpose for living.

We have been long-time supporters of the Jesus Film Project (their link is on my sidebar :)). Both my husband and I were serving with Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) when we were in college (attending different colleges in different countries). In fact, God used CCC to bring us together from across the world (I'll have to share our God-orchestrated love story some other time :)). I was so excited to get an opportunity to review this DVD from Campus Crusade for Christ. Magdalena: Through Her Eyes DVD was produced by women (its producer, director, and writer are women) for women. It portrays the life of Christ from Mary Magdalene's perspective. It was well done even thought it was a challenging task to blend scenes from the original Jesus Film (1979) with the new footage without losing the flow. I think they did a fantastic job. If you have never seen the original Jesus Film before, you probably won't be able to tell that they mixed scenes that were 30 years apart :).

In this film, Mary Magdalene tells her friend, Rivka and two other women (plus a girl and a boy) about the Messiah and helps them realize that God does care for women. Actually, she started from the very beginning (Genesis 1) so that they will fully understand God's plan of redemption through Christ. The film highlights  Jesus's love and compassion through His interaction with women: delivering Mary Magdalene from demons, talking with the Samaritan woman at the well and offering her the living water, healing a woman who bled for 12 years, raising a girl from the dead, commending on a widow's small but sacrificial offering, forgiving an adulterous woman, making His first appearance after His resurrection to Mary Magdalene and assigning her to go tell His disciples that He is alive, etc. Throughout history, women have been oppressed, abused, mistreated, and undervalued. But Jesus loves them, forgives them, heals them, and cares about their needs no matter who they are and what they have done. This DVD aims to encourage women to see how much God loves and treasures them and to reflect upon the eternal hope that can only be found in Christ, the Savior of the world. We all, including women, are precious in God's eyes.

Magdalena: Through Her Eyes is not just another Christian film; it is a wonderful ministry tool. You can host a movie night with a purpose by making it a special event for women. The DVD package includes Magdalena: Through Her Eyes DVD, Reflections of Hope Bible Study, "Women's Ministry Leader" event letter, and special event marketing materials. The Bible Study Guide explores different aspects of who Jesus is to women: Our Loving Pursuer, Our Gracious Forgiver, Our Power for Living, Our Powerful Deliverer, Our Compassionate Provider, Our Complete Restorer, Our Living Water, and Our Lifelong Friend. I'm looking forward to hosting a movie night/Bible study for the international students who attend our local university. It's so cool that this DVD has 8 language options: English, Russian, Mandarin, French, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese, and Arabic. I'd like to invite you to check out their website at and get your small group, women's ministy, and/or church involved. A church event showing has a lot of potential to make a great impact. It may lead to Bible studies, a second church event outreach, film showing for a women's cause, donation/volunteer opportunity for a women's cause, etc. Speaking of a women's cause, my family is very pro-life and we faithfully support our local Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRC). PRC helps 8,000 women (and pre-born babies) annually through 5 Centers, providing free pregnancy tests, comprehensive peer counseling, free Ultrasound (given by RNs), practical help, referrals and real hope (the Gospel message) to those facing unplanned pregnancies. My daughter participates in Steps for Life, an annual fund-raising event for PRC (this is her 12th year). Please consider supporting PRC by clicking here.

Note: Please turn off my music playlist at the bottom of this page before starting the trailer.

GIVEAWAY: I'm so happy to tell you that there's an extra DVD package for one of my readers :). Just in time for Easter... Ends 4/15 at midnight Pacific time.

To Enter: Please leave a comment here letting me know if you've ever seen the Jesus Film or what women's cause is important to you. Please also make sure to leave your email address or your blog address so that I will be able to contact you if you're chosen as a winner (randomly). This giveaway is open only to US residents.

Extra Entries:
1. Visit my daughter's Steps for Life fund-raising webpage here and make a tax-deductible donation to PRC. Any amount is greatly appreciated! Come back and leave a comment here for 3 extra entries.
2. Visit and come back here letting me know one thing you learn from the website.
3. Enter my Rebecca St. James's CD, "I Will Praise You" Giveaway here.
4. Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect or NetworkedBlogs.
5. Follow me on Twitter: .
6. Post about this giveaway and link to this post on your blog.
7. Post the link to this giveaway on your Facebook page or tweet it. Please also leave your Facebook link or twitter link in a separate comment.

“Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


  1. Looks like a powerful video!

    I have discipled ladies for years - helping women process their issues in a biblcal fashion allowing Christ to heal them is a passion of mine.

    Thanks, again, for the opportunity!

  2. abused women fear and face tough daily living questions need answers to believe in from one they trust there as needed, cares. listens talks gently our free SPREAD THE WORD TALK WITH THE LORD program inspires daily talks problem abused need help in asking first question our free blogs offer tips g. hubbard p.o. box 2232 ponte vedra fl 32004

  3. yes i have seen the Jesus film - i own it actually- and i'd love to add this to my collection as well. thanks for the chance :)

  4. i learned that this film is part of the nternational HOPE Conferences,

  5. shared on fb

  6. i entered the rebecca st james giveaway too

  7. one important women's cause is human trafficking. the other is women not acknowledged as equal in the advance of the church and it's call...

  8. I would love to see this DVD~~~ How sweet of you do have a give away for this film. My email address is
    God Bless,

  9. I have seen the Jesus Film.

    steffanie771 at hotmail dot com

  10. I completed #3

    steffanie771 at hotmail dot com

  11. I have not seen any Jesus Films, but would love to.
    Thanks for the giveaway.
    Trinity Rose
    wandaelaine at gmail dot com

  12. I follow you on GFC.
    Trinity Rose
    wandaelaine at gmail dot com

  13. Looks like a wonderful movie. I'm glad you're sharing this.

  14. Found your giveaway on the Giveaway Blogs, the Christian group. Glad I did :) I have never seen the original movie and would love to see this one. Thank you for the chance!

    Latinaonamission (@)


Thank you for visiting my blog! I'm so glad you're leaving me a comment :). I hope you enjoyed your visit and will come back again. Although I may not know you, I love you with the love of the Lord. And of course, He loves you very much!