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Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #46

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
1. This year, my 17 yo daughter, Alyssa, raised $720 for Pregnancy Resource Centers. For the past 12 years, she has raised over $10,000 in total to help women facing unplanned pregnancies and their babies.

2. A devotional written by Alyssa was published (in print and online) and was broadcast on radio on May 17th (this past Tues.) at Keys for Kids website. To read/listen to her devotional, "Mixed Up", click here and scroll down to the bottom of the page and select May 17, 2011.

3. I just joined a free online Bible study through The School of Christ. There will be the chapter-by-chapter weekly webinars on the Book of Romans. Yesterday, the webinar was about the introduction to the book of Romans. It was great.

4. If you like this blog, please vote for "Living for God" to be one of the top 25 Faith Blogs by Moms here.

5. I need a favor :). Would you please click here to go rate my book review of Primal by Mark Batterson (great book about the Greatest Commandment)? The top ranked review this month will win a netbook. Thanks so much! Please remember to also click the link they email you after you rate my review in order to verify your email address; otherwise, your vote doesn't count.


  1. It sounds as if you have had a lovely week. I am going to check out the Roman's bible study.

  2. #1 is SO awesome -- you have to be SO proud of Alyssa. And her devotional! Just great.

    I'm off to read your review...

  3. I love the book of Romans. I might just have to check out that webinar.

  4. How wonderful that Alyssa raised so much money for babies and also has her devotional published. May God be glorified!

  5. Wonderful work from Alyssa for the Pregnancy Resource Center! That's awesome!

  6. Congrats to your daughter on all the awards she has been receiving for her writing. How wonderful that she has been raising money for PRC. That webinar series on Romans sounds like a great way to study.

  7. I always love reading about your daughter. You must be so proud of her!

  8. thanks for mentioning the school of Christ roman's study. it looks like there are a lot of great resources there.

    wow. 10,000? your daughter is inspiring. her efforts have certainly made a big difference to many women and their babies. you must be so proud.


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