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Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #47

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
1. The kids and I really enjoyed dancing with Dance Praise 2. Great exercise and great music :)!

2. Som Thum (Thai papaya salad). Oh soooooooooooo spicy! My mouth was on fire and I loved it!

3. Free audio download from Answers in Genesis: Evolution and Logical Fallacies by Dr. Jason Lisle

4. On my homeschoool-related blog, "Fruitbearers", I'm hosting the Charlie Church Mouse Super Pak Giveaway. It is a 3-game set CD-Rom that includes Preschool, Kindergarten, and Early Elementary (for ages 2-8). The giveaway ends 5/31.

5. I'd like to share two wonderful quotes I discovered this week. I collect quotes (good ones) :).
"The one thing He commands us as His branches is to bear fruit. Let us live to bless others, to testify of the life and the love there is in Jesus. Let us in faith and obedience give our whole life to that which Jesus chose us for and appointed us to—fruit-bearing." ~Andrew Murray
"The tragedy of life and of the world is not that men do not know God; the tragedy is that, knowing Him, they still insist on going their own way." ~William Barclay

P.S. I'd really appreciate if you would take a few minutes to rate my book review here. Please. I'm currently 7 votes behind the leading score. The contest ends on May 31st. Please remember to verify your email address by clicking the link in the email they send you after you rate my review; otherwise, your vote doesn't count. Thanks a bunch for your help!


  1. I enjoy Thai food too but nothing too spicy as my mouth and gallbladder don't like it.

    Love your quotes - thanks for sharing.

    I will check out Dance Praise 2. I am looking for something to do in the house for when the dog days of summer hit. It will be here before I know it.

  2. Hadn't heard of Charlie Churchmouse before. We do love reading the Christopher Churchmouse books though. Any relation? I'll have to go see.

    In the meantime, hope y'all have a great weekend! Happy FFF!

  3. That salad sounds good. I'm glad you are enjoying exercise with dance. Fun times. Enjoy the weekend.

  4. Oh, that second quote is very powerful. I'll be writing that one down into my quote book and giving it some thought.

  5. Thank you for the quotes. Yum.. Thai food. :)


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