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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Help and Shield (Psalm 115)

- All glory and praises belong to God alone. Soli Deo Gloria! Our goal should be to glorify and honor Him/His Name in everything we do and say. God's love and faithfulness are unfathomable!
- God's authority, sovereignty, and power are summed up in ver
se 3, "Our God is in Heaven; He does whatever pleases Him."
- Idols are foolish and so are those who make them and those who trust in them. Those who bow down to and believe in tangible objects are as foolish and empty as the idols themselves (since idols are things made by human hands, how can humans expect the idols to have any power to help them?)
- God is alive (unlike lifeless idols). He sees, hears, understands us and cares for us. The Lord remembers us!
- God is Help and Shield to those who fear Him and trust in Him.
- Our God will bless us and we will bless His Name/extol the Lord forevermore.

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