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Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday's Fave Five #87

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:

1. I found this powerful video on Facebook and I'd like to share it here. I hope it will encourage you. Our identity, worth, and value are not defined by what we can accomplish but by what Jesus Christ accomplished for us!
2. Free Kindle Edition of The Daily Walk Bible NLT: 31 Days with Jesus (at the time of this posting)

Find out what some of the key factors for a healthy & lasting marriage are in this article! You'll be touched by the video of a 96 year old man who wrote a love song for his wife (married for 73 years) who just passed away a month earlier.

4. I like this quote:  "A low view of law always produces legalism; a high view of law makes a person a seeker after grace." (~J. Gresham Machen) I found it in the book I'm reading, "One Way Love" by Tullian Tchividjian

5. My cup overflows! This mom's heart overflows with gratitude to God. What a joy it is to see my kids burst with passion for and delight in God and His Word! This weekend, we'll be celebrating a double birthday party. Yesterday, Josiah turned 15 and today, Isaiah turns 12. I'm so thankful that God has molded both of them to be young men after His own heart.
video recently of a 96 year old man named Fred who entered a songwriting contest. Fred had been married to his wife Lorraine for 73 years, and although she had passed away a month earlier, he wanted to honor her memory by writing her a song. - See more at:
video recently of a 96 year old man named Fred who entered a songwriting contest. Fred had been married to his wife Lorraine for 73 years, and although she had passed away a month earlier, he wanted to honor her memory by writing her a song. - See more at:
video recently of a 96 year old man named Fred who entered a songwriting contest. Fred had been married to his wife Lorraine for 73 years, and although she had passed away a month earlier, he wanted to honor her memory by writing her a song. - See more at:
video recently of a 96 year old man named Fred who entered a songwriting contest. Fred had been married to his wife Lorraine for 73 years, and although she had passed away a month earlier, he wanted to honor her memory by writing her a song. - See more at:

1 comment:

  1. Great list of faves..I saw that video and song going around FB....amazing! Happy birthday to your boys!!! So. Thankful our children are following after Christ! Enjoy the weekend


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