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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Gift of Arrows

- Children are blessings/rewards from the Lord, valued highly by Him. Every child is a miracle and a precious gift from God. We are to cherish them, our "treasures". Sadly, some people view and treat children as an inconvenience or nuisance. Raising children is an honor. Children bring us joy. I am a blessed mom!
- Children are like arrows in the hands of a warrior...a powerful weapon against the enemy. Arrows must be sharpened, polished, and made ready to hit the mark. They cannot be crooked or dull. We, as parents, must patiently, diligently, and faithfully prepare our arrows that God has given us to be effective arrows for His kingdom. This is a task that requires much prayer, energy, strength, and wisdom.
- We are to train our children to know how to contend for the faith. Teach them not only the Bible, but also apologetics. It's very important for them to know why they believe what they believe; otherwise, when they are questioned about their faith, they will not know what to say and often they start to doubt their own faith. Will the world change our children or will our children change the world? Our children need to experience authentic faith (not borrowed faith) for themselves. Where do you aim your "arrows" at? Let's be intentional about raising our children to impact their culture, community, and world for leave their mark for eternity.

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