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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

That They May Know and Not Forget

- Learn from the past. We will not hide these truths from our children. We want the next generation and all the future generations to know God's mighty deeds, power, and wonders. Tell them how He has been faithful throughout the Scriptures, in your own lives, and other people's that each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting His glorious miracles and obeying His commands. Our important task and purpose is to help each generation obey God and put their trust in God.
- Learning from the past also can help keep them from repeating the same mistakes as their ancestors. We learn how easily the Israelites kept forgetting what God had done for them. They turned away from Him even after all the great wonders God had done for them. It's recorded in God's Word so that we can avoid the same errors. It's imperative that we pass on the accounts of God's faithfulness, blessings, and mighty acts to our children lest we and/or they forget. What are we doing to pass on the history of God's work to the next generation?
- Leave a lasting legacy of love for God. Leave a Godly legacy. Our own story is still being told; we must choose wisely how we live. What will we leave behind for our children and future generations? Will our lives testify to the unfailing love, grace, and faithfulness of God--or the temporary things of this world?

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