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Monday, May 5, 2014

A to Z Challenge Reflection


I am one of the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge survivors! Congratulations to all who completed the challenge! And thanks to the A to Z April Challenge Team! You can find the links to my posts from A to Z here. The challenge was lots of fun for me. It helped stretch my thoughts and vocabulary. "X" was probably my most challenging letter :). I like the fact that there was no theme requirement so there's more flexibility. However, I focused my posts mainly on my Bible study which I was doing daily anyway. I look forward to participating in this challenge again.

reflect on your experience and let us know what you enjoyed, what you could’ve done better, and where we can improve. - See more at:
the A to Z Challenge Reflections post.

We ask that you reflect on your experience and let us know what you enjoyed, what you could’ve done better, and where we can improve. - See more at:
the A to Z Challenge Reflections post.

We ask that you reflect on your experience and let us know what you enjoyed, what you could’ve done better, and where we can improve. - See more at:

1 comment:

  1. Well done for completing the challenge.

    I think there are always certain letters that always end up as sticking points. Luckily for me X was a fairly easy slot to fill but Q was a sticking point for a while!

    Cait @ Click's Clan


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