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Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday's Fave Five #95

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story)

My Fave Five this week:

1. My daughter (who is away at college) called me on Monday to thank me. She said that a survey about mother-daughter relationship in her psychology class made her realize how blessed she is to have me as her mom :). She thanked me for always being loving, caring, and supportive. I cried. I thank God for blessing our family relationship to be Christ-centered and filled with love, grace, and laughter.

2. I finished
the Ultimate Blog Challenge (blogging at least once a day everyday in April) and the A to Z April Challenge (26 posts in an alphabetical order). You can find the links to all the posts from A to Z here

3. I like these quotes.

And do it all for God's glory!


4. Yesterday, I made Strawberry Cream Cheese Cobbler. It was yummy! I used this recipe I found on Facebook.

5. Only 15 days left to give to Steps for Life 2014, an annual fund-raising event for Pregnancy Resource Centers! Please consider giving through my 12 year old son's page. Any amount is greatly appreciated. Life is a gift from God! Let's choose life and save lives!  

Bonus:  You can read my review and enter to win a copy of Impact by Tim Irwin here. You can make an impact with your life whether you're a leader in your family, class, office, organization, community, church, ministry, or small group. If you desire to be an effective leader, check this book out. It's an easy-to-read leadership manual filled with practical ideas and insightful advice. What kind of legacy do you wish to leave? Live and lead accordingly.

The giveaway will end on May 9th at midnight Pacific time.


  1. The relationship with our daughters is sooo important especially in today's culture! Praise God for a Christ centered home. Sounds like you had a great week.

  2. What a sweet thing for your daughter to do. That cobbler recipe sounds delicious!

  3. What a wonderful gift your daughter's phone call was. That was sweet of her to call you and tell you.

  4. Wow, your #1 is the best! It is so sweet when our kids come to appreciate how they were raised and the people who raised them. :-)

    Those quotes are good.


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