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Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday's Fave Five #99

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story)

My Fave Five this week:
1. We had a wonderful Fourth of July weekend. My mother-in-law came on Friday and stayed overnight. We played Trivial Pursuit & Super Scrabble, enjoyed a grilled feast, and watched spectacular fireworks from our yard (we live on a hill that overlooks a panoramic view of cities and mountains).

2. I like these quotes.

3. Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21) 
God's answers are always wiser than our prayers and way better than what we can imagine! I've seen this truth played out over and over again. Just this month alone, my heart has been bursting with joy! God knows why Thank You, Lord! You are beyond awesome!

4. Free kindle edition of Amish Proverbs: Words of Wisdom from the Simple Life by Suzanne Woods Fisher (at the time of this posting).

5. My husband bought a portable air conditioner for our family room...just in time for our expected prolonged heat wave


  1. great quotes!!!!! I'm gonna copy a couple of those! I enjoy reading about the Amish..we visited the PA Dutch Country area a few years ago and my daughters really learned a lot. God bless you and enjoy the weekend.

  2. I like all of those quotes.

    That is wonderful about your answer to prayer!

    I am so glad for AC - I think I'd move very little in the summertime without it.

  3. I love number 3. We just experienced that with a friend. God is faithfully working even when we can't see the whole picture and His answer are always wiser!

    I love fireworks and how fun that you can avoid the crowds and watch near your home!

  4. Great quotes and important to remember every day.

    I've heard that PNW is really hot this weekend. I'm glad you have a way to stay cool.

    Watching fireworks from home = best way!


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