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Friday, January 23, 2015

Love Your Enemies

- This must be one of the most difficult commands in the Bible. Some might consider it extreme kindness but according to Jesus, that's what sets His followers apart from unsaved sinners (see verses 32-34). We are to love our enemies not just in words but also in action ("do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back"). Only the supernatural love of God can accomplish this. This is agape love (unconditional, selfless, sacrificial kind of love). Love those who hate you. Do good to those who hurt you. Lend (give) to those who take advantage of you. 
  • "We cannot choose whom we will love if we claim to be Christians." (~Anonymous)
- When we do these things, God will bless us and at the same time, we show to the world that we're truly children of the Most High God (El Elyon). When the world looks at us, do they see our resemblance to our Heavenly Father? Our unexpected love for our enemies is a testimony to pure charity and to the power of God Most High.
- Imitate God. He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. He was kind to us when we were His enemies. Christ died for us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8). God wants us to be kind, merciful, compassionate towards our enemies, not just friends or people whom we like. We are to be kind to them without expecting anything in return (including thanks). In fact, this frees us from anxieties of expecting anything back. Many people cannot or will not repay. We must examine our hearts/motives. Do all things in love for the glory of God! Love the ungrateful and the undeserving just as God does. Be kind to mean people. Kindness often draws people to God and to repentance. May our lives reflect our gratitude to God for His unfailing love for us by loving others with His love! May His love in us manifest through us when our human love fails! May we never forget how God first loved us...the unloving!

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