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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Behold Wondrous Things in God's Word

- We need to pray and ask God to open our spiritual eyes so that we may see wonderful things in His Word and comprehend spiritual truths. The eyes of our hearts must be opened/enlightened in order that the beauty, benefits, wisdom, and glory of God's Word may be fully perceived, appreciated, and enjoyed. God's Word is a world of wonders! 

- Do you care more about what people say or what God says? We should not get discouraged or distressed when others slander us or plot against us. Stay calm and focus on God's Word, instead. Resolve to spend time meditating on His promises. God is our Defender! Pay no attention to slanderers. Don't let them distract you from your communion with God. Their words are not worth our time and thoughts. Those who feed upon God's Word grow strong, wise, content, and immovable. When you are unjustly slandered, accused, or mistreated even by those in authorities, go to God in prayer and ponder His Word. When your hearts and minds are overwhelmed with trouble, turn to the Scriptures for guidance and comfort. And keep walking uprightly with integrity and purity according to God's Word. When we humbly submit to God's will and entrust ourselves to His care, we are less concerned with what others say about us or say to us. We can be still/silent and know that God will take care of us and the situations. It is best to look over offenses and look to the One who loves us with infinite love and watches over us with perfect wisdom.

 - God's statutes are our delight and counselors. God's Word is joy in our sorrows and guide in our difficulties. God's Word is a balm to our aching hearts and wisdom to our wandering minds.

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