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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Rejoice In and Meditate On God's Word

- When we value God's Word as treasure, it is our joy and delight to read, study, ponder, and apply God's Word/His precepts. It is as if one rejoices in great riches. God's Word is indeed incomparable wealth. 
- Meditation in eastern religions is about emptying one's mind but meditation in the Bible is about filling one's mind with God's Word. It is profitable/nourishing to our soul to meditate on God's Word which helps us to know God more. His heart, attributes, and will are revealed in His Word. The more we meditate on God's Word, the more we think God's thoughts. God uses His Word to renew/remold our mind and transform our hearts. Meditating on the Scriptures takes time. We don't read the Bible just so we can check off a to-do item on our list. Do you delight in spending time with God in prayer and in His Word? We must fix our eyes on God's ways so that we won't be wandering off the narrow path, be led astray, or be troubled by the worries of this world.

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