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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Christ's Peace

Oh how desperately this world needs peace!!! The world's greatest need is peace with God which can only be obtained by faith in Jesus Christ! "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast (rejoice) in the hope of the glory of God." (Romans 5:1-2) Apart from God, there's no real peace! True peace is made possible by Yahweh Shalom ("The LORD is Peace") through Whom we've been reconciled to God! Jesus is our Peace/Prince of Peace. Peace is the result of having a personal relationship with God, of knowing we're eternally saved & forgiven because of Christ's finished work on the cross, and of Christ reigning in our lives as Lord of all. Peace with God leads to freedom (not to sin but) from sin to serve live for Him. We find perfect rest in Christ alone...when we surrender all to Him. There's no need to fear or matter what comes our way. God is with us & for us and that makes all the difference!

Christ's peace (a gift to us) is different from the world's peace.
This inner peace is the tranquility of spirit that only Jesus can give. It's not found in positive thinking or in absence of conflict. It's independent of circumstances. It comes from being in fellowship with Christ, knowing that our Yahweh Shalom is in control and putting our trust in Him completely. 
Shalom (peace) means well-being, security, soundness, and completeness. It has to do more with character rather than circumstances. Peace is calmness in our heart no matter what's going on around us. Peace is soul at rest in Christ. 

Jesus is our unchanging Source of peace, comfort, and strength. Fear not. Worry not. We can and should trust Him at all times and in all circumstances. He is forever faithful and loving. Know Jesus, know peace; no Jesus, no peace! Jesus loves us, invites us to spend time with Him, and longs to give us rest (peace). We can always bring everything to the Lord in prayer. Just cry out to Jesus! He listens; He cares. Take your problems (every fear/every worry/every concern/every burden) to Him and leave them there. Let go. Don't pick them back up. Don't carry around weights of your burdens; they will keep you from being useful. Let go and walk in freedom, in faith, in obedience, and in peace. Trust in God's loving sovereignty. Trust God's answers (God's will and God's ways) and God's timing. Pray. Trust. Rest. 

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for giving me a supernatural kind of peace! Thank You for being my Burden-Bearer and Rest-Giver! I surrender all to You. Please help me fix my eyes on You always. Please help me not to be afraid of or troubled by anything in this world.

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