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Monday, February 13, 2017

Life and Death

For my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ:
Life (on earth) is short! Don't waste your life!
Live for God, not selves...for His kingdom, not yours.
Live in the light of eternity.
Live life with purpose and passion.
Live by faith in Christ Jesus.
Live a life of love (love God and others).
Live to tell what Christ died to do.
Live each day with a heart of gratitude.
Live to make an eternal impact in this world.
Live to bless and bring joy to others.
Live fearlessly with blessed assurance and confident hope.
Live and rest in God's constant presence.
"Don't be afraid of death...Be afraid of the unlived life." (quote from the movie, "Tuck Everlasting")

Death has no dominion over those who are in Christ!
"Life is your business--not death!
Your only concerns are...
living on Christ;
living for Christ;

living like Christ; and then,
living forever with Christ!
(James Smith) 

When the Puritan Richard Baxter lay dying
, he said to his friends who visited him: "You come here to learn to die. I can assure you that your whole life, be it ever so long--is little enough to prepare for death. Beware of this vain deceitful world, and the lusts of the flesh. Be sure that you choose...
 God for your portion,
 Heaven for your home,
 God's glory for your end,
 His Word for your rule--
and then you need never fear but we shall meet with comfort.
He also said, "Lord, what is man? What am I? A vile worm to the great God! God may justly condemn me for the best duty I ever did. All my hopes are from the free mercy of God in Christ!"
 (taken from Grace Gems)
For those who have not surrendered their lives to Christ:
Life (on earth) is short! Do you know where you will spend eternity after death? There are only two options: Heaven or Hell. I hope and pray that you will choose Christ and Heaven. To not decide now is to decide against it. None of us is promised tomorrow or another second for that matter.
"To be almost saved--is to be altogether lost! There are many in Hell who once were almost saved--but who are now altogether damned! Think of that, you who are not far from the Kingdom. It is being in the Kingdom that saves the soul--not being near the Kingdom." (Charles Spurgeon) 

Jesus is the Answer; He is the only Way
Surrender to Him; don't delay
There may not be another day
I love you so this I must say
You'll choose Jesus I hope & pray

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