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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Thinking Through Grief

I feel things very deeply; therefore, I tend to get emotional easily. However, I also like to process my feelings and thoughts through words/writing. January went by as a blur and a nightmare. My mother-in-law went to be with the Lord on Sunday, January 22. It was very unexpected. We had her celebration of life service on Monday, January 30. It's now a new month...a new day. I hope and pray that we all learn and grow through grief and other trials or storms of life.
- Value the gift of life. Each life is a precious gift from God! - Be thankful for families; cherish them now; show & tell them how much you love & appreciate them. Don’t wait to say, “I love you.” - Live for God, not self...for His kingdom, not ours. Live life with purpose and passion. Don't just go through the motions. God leaves us here for a reason. - Keep an eternal perspective always; life (on earth) is short but eternity is forever. And don't sweat the small stuff! Read Ecclesiastes every now and then; it's a great reminder for us all. - Trust God even when we don't understand. Trust in His infinite wisdom and loving heart. - We cannot change the past but we can do something about the future. Love God more. Love people more. Serve more. Pray more. Share the gospel more. Spend time, treasures, and talents more wisely and for God's glory. Keep shining His beautiful light wherever we go. - Open our eyes to see beauty everywhere and give thanks to God for all the blessings in our lives. Be more appreciative of what we have right now. - Be quick to listen and forgive. Be more patient. Be more gracious. Be more compassionate. Follow the example of Jesus Christ. Open our eyes to others' needs and provide support & comfort. - Don't compare our own unique path/journey with someone else. Stay strong and faithful to what God has called us to do. - Without Christ, life is meaningless. Without grace, life is hopeless. - We shall never lose hope when our hope is in Christ alone. Our eternal hope of being in Heaven with Him gives us strength, comfort, and courage to go on and assures us of our future reunion with our loved ones who are saved by grace through faith in Him. - Be a blessing. Enrich other people's lives. Love like Jesus...unconditionally, selflessly, & sacrificially. - Choose our thoughts, words, actions, and reactions wisely. May they honor and glorify God and draw others to Him! - Seek God in each moment and dwell & rest in His presence at all times.

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