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Monday, October 23, 2017

God Will Finish What He Started

"Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:6 NIV)

Paul was confident (no doubt, whatsoever) of this truth; we should be, too. God is dependable; He always keeps His promises and finishes what He starts. God is mighty to save us, transform us, sanctify us, strengthen us, sustain us, equip us (to serve Him), and conform us to the image of Jesus Christ. God faithfully continues His work in us until the day we see Christ face-to-face. He never gives up on us. He doesn't just save us and then leave us to fend for ourselves on our way to Heaven. God not only begins the good work of salvation (regeneration), but also continues to work in us (sanctification) and guarantees to bring it to completion (glorification) which includes eternal security. He is with us every step of the way, helping us in our faith journey and pursuit of holiness. As we surrender our lives (and wills) to Him, He gives us the desire and the power to live a godly life that pleases and honors Him. His omnipotence, omnipresence, dependability, and faithfulness give us confidence (to persevere), comfort, peace, and joy. However, this wonderful promise by no means negates the fact that we are called to be active instruments (to live out our faith in action/obedience).

Since sanctification is a lifetime process of spiritual growth (we're God's works in progress), we must be patient with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as we all grow spiritually at different rates. 
God has not finished with us yet. Understanding this should help us be empathetic, gracious, forgiving, and hopeful towards one another. By the way, we (esp. those of us who are perfectionists) must be patient with ourselves, too :). Don't listen to the Enemy's lies of discouragement and defeat. Be encouraged and remember that God is not finished with you yet.

"The Lord will perfect that which concerns me;

Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever;

Do not forsake the works of Your hands."
(Psalm 138:8)

"Listen to Me, you descendants of Jacob,
all the remnant of the people of Israel,
you whom I have upheld since your birth,
and have carried since you were born.
Even to your old age and gray hairs
I am He, I am He who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you; 

I will sustain you and I will rescue you." 
(Isaiah 46:3-4)

"The work which His goodness began,

The arm of His strength will complete;
His promise is Yea and Amen,

And never was forfeited yet."
(Augustus M. Toplady)

Prayer: Abba Father, thank You for giving us such an encouraging promise and for always keeping Your promises! It gives me such joy to know that You've got my back, You are working in me, and You will keep me for eternity. Please mold me to be like Christ and help me bear much fruit for Your glory and Your kingdom. Thank You for being patient with me! Please help me be patient with my children when they get off track in their spiritual walk and give me wisdom how to gently & lovingly guide them back and encourage them. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

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