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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Pray for Abundant Agape

With a shepherd's love for his flock, Paul prayed this beautiful prayer of spiritual growth for the believers in Philippi. He prayed that their agape (unconditional, selfless, sacrificial love) will keep increasing abundantly/exceedingly. Biblical love is not blind. This love is to be built on knowledge (of God and His Word) and depth of insight (spiritual & moral discernment). As a result (purpose of this growing in God's love), it leads to right decision (ability to evaluate what is best), right motives (pure, sincere) and right conduct (blameless integrity, not causing others to stumble), filled with the fruit of righteousness (the fruit of the Spirit) that comes through (our union with) Jesus Christ. All this is to bring God glory and praise.

We should follow Paul's example of praying for spiritual blessings (we tend to pray more for physical needs and material blessings). This is a wonderful prayer we should pray for ourselves and for one another.

Prayer: Lord, may our hearts overflow with Your love and our mind be filled with Your wisdom and discernment! May the fruit of the Spirit be evident in our lives! May You be glorified and magnified in our words, thoughts, decisions, motives, and actions!

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