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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thankful Thursday #1

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey 

This is my first time participating in the Thankful Thursday meme hosted by Sonya and the Thankful Thursday meme hosted by Laurie
I know most (if not all :)) of the things on my list are obvious but I still would like to mention them because they are very important in my life.

1. I am thankful for who God is...for all His attributes.
2. I am thankful for God's unconditional love, amazing grace, never-ending mercy, forgiveness, peace, joy, and strength. 
3. I am thankful for my salvation through Jesus Christ, my Lord & Savior, my Shepherd & Best Friend.
4. I am thankful for my family.  The Lord has blessed me with the most wonderful husband (a man after God's own heart) and three precious children who delight in God and His Word.
5. I am thankful for God's Word which is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.  I am thankful for the Bibles in print and the ones on CDs.  My boys listen to them at night in their bedroom.

"It is impossible for that man to despair who remembers that His Helper is omnipotent." ~Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667)
"If we can trust God for our eternal salvation, how can we not trust Him to provide for the "little" things of life?" ~M.E.Howard


  1. Welcome to TT. Glad you are joining in! Your list is awesome and straight from the heart. Thanks so much for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  2. Welcome to TT and gald you're joining us.
    I love your list, Praises to Him!!

  3. Welcome to TT!!! You have shared a list that I'm sure we can ALL say Amen too!!!

  4. Isn't it great to stop and think about all the wonderful things we have rather than dwelling on some of the things that are difficult at the moment? Today was my first TT post too. Hope you're having a great week.

  5. I love the quotes at the bottom of your post. Welcome to TT!

  6. Sounds like you are truly blessed ~ It's wonderful your children listen to His Word at night. Thanks for visiting me. I could not find your contentment poem.

  7. Love your list! We are blessed people. It's always refreshing to be reminded of God's promises!

  8. Welcome to Thankful Thursday. I am so glad that you joined in. They may be obvious but isn't it nice seeing them in print.

  9. My sweet new bloggie friend,

    This is a fabulous list! While these things feel obvious, they are most often overlooked and taken for granted. That is why we all choose to take this time on Thursday's to sing God's praises!

    Glad you've joined in the worship!

    Sonya Lee

  10. Love that your kids listen to God's Word! Awesome. Welcome to TT!

  11. Thankful for my little boys soaking in God's Word as well.

    Delighted to meet you today and splash around in thankfulness.

    Splashing for His glory,
    Sarah Dawn

  12. Welcome to Thankful Thursday! I love your list! I too am thankful for every one of the things on your list in my own life. Look forward to getting to know you better.
    Blessings ~ Lisa

  13. What a fabulous thankful list!! Welcome to Thankful Thursday!! Isn't it great to magnify our Lord!
    Together!! He's the best friend you will ever find!


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