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Friday, September 18, 2009

Corn Roast Festival

Friday Photo Flashback

The 45th Annual Corn Roast Festival in Forest Grove, Oregon will take place this Saturday.  We used to live in FG and attend the festival every year.  We now live in a different city but still plan to attend it tomorrow.  The pictures above were taken at the festival in 2005.  My sons looked so young here; it's hard to believe that they'll turn 11 and 8 next month.

The highlight for the kids besides enjoying the delicious fresh-roasted corn on the cob, was the Reptile Man.  His show was always educational, exciting, and entertaining.  In the second picture, the kids had the opportunity to touch a Burmese Python.  My boys hesitated at first but did touch it :).  I did, too.  It felt smooth and rubbery, not slimy at all.  Burmese Pythons can grow up to 23 feet long or more and weigh up to 200 lbs.  The female coil herself around her eggs (up to 100). God gave her the ability to raise her body temperature by making her muscles tremble. The Burmese Python is the only snake who is able to do this (a snake's temperature is usually lower than ours; reptiles are cold-blooded) and the increased body heat helps keep the eggs warm enough to develop properly. Our Creator made all kinds of cool animals, including some very exotic reptiles.

Previous Friday Photo Flashback:
- A Taste of Thailand
- I Could Never Promise You
- In Father's Hands
- Thai Version of Wipe Out
- My Graduation Day in Thailand


  1. I knew I was going to enjoy your blog just by your blog name.....and reading how much we are alike in giving God all the Glory with the beautiful animal kingdom He created is the cherry on top!

    Love it!

  2. Hi! Thanks for stopping by at my blog. I'm glad I participated in FF 'cos it brought me to your lovely blog.

  3. That snake almost looks like a long corn on the cob! I loved roasted corn on the cob and we have it at our church picnic every year and I remember when I first saw that - YUMMMMMM. My husband sprinkles cayenne pepper on his - yowza! Great memory ~ ♥

  4. How fun! I am sure you will enjoy it this weekend as well, and make more memories to blog about. Great post!

  5. Oh brave of them to touch it!! That would literally freak me out!!!

    To answer your question, I don't remember at all which part we visited. I'll have to ask my mother in law.

  6. OH my gosh! My daughter and son held that exact snake here in Eastern Washington. Reptileman came out for our homeschoolers and now the kids want to go to his zoo in Monroe...ugh! How funny is that?

  7. Awesome and educational! love the python! they are amazing!

    Our sons are about the same age. My oldest will turn 11 in Jan. and my youngest turned 8 in June. My middle son is 9.


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