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Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Top Ten Reads of 2009

I am playing along with Amydeanne at The 160 Acrewoods.  Here are my top 10 reads of 2009 (besides the Bible, of course :)).

10. Blue Like Play Dough by Tricia Goyer
9. Reflections of God's Holy Land by Eva Marie Everson and Miriam Feinberg
8. In the Footsteps of Paul by Ken Duncan
7. Treasured by Leigh McLeroy
6. Pearl Girls (compiled by Margaret McSweeney)
5. O2 Breathing New Life into Faith by Richard Dahlstrom
4. 40 Loaves by C.D.Baker
3. Fearless by Max Lucado
2. Primal by Mark Batterson
1. If God Is Good by Randy Alcorn

You can click on the titles to read my reviews.  What was your favorite read of 2009?  I'm looking forward to reading more good books in 2010 :).


  1. Thank you so much for including Pearl Girls in your favorite book list for 2009. God bless!

    Margaret McSweeney

    p.s. Happy New Year!

  2. I've read your 10, 6, 5,4,and 2!

    all great books!

  3. Thanks for reading Treasured, and including it among your favorite books of the year!

    Leigh McLeroy

  4. Great list! Our church's book club is reading "If God Is Good" by Randy Alcorn this month!

    Mimi here from MBC Round Up


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