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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thankful Thursday #15

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey 

This week...
1. I am thankful for snow.  We all love snow here.  We had our first snow of this winter on Tuesday and had lots of fun sledding.

2. I am thankful for my husband's time off work from Dec. 24th to Jan. 3rd.  We love having him home with us. 

3. I am thankful for our wonderful neighbors.  We enjoyed our visit with them when we gave them our Christmas goodies.  They are really nice people.

4. I am thankful for books that are encouraging & inspiring and draw readers closer to God and His Word.  You can see my top ten reads of 2009 here (the post below this one).

5. I am thankful for the eternal perspective God has given me.  Trials and sufferings on earth are nothing when we think of spending eternity in either heaven or hell.  "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." (Romans 8:18)  May you welcome a new year with an eternal perspective!  "Save some, O Christian!  By all means, save some.  From yonder flames and outer darkness, and the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.  Seek to save some!  Let this, as in the case of the apostles, be your great, ruling object in life, that by all means you might save some." Charles Spurgeon


  1. Your faith is amazing. I like your list. And I want to wish you a very happy new year. Sarah

  2. I'm blessed by your faith. Happy New Year and be blessed!

  3. Ah, snow must be so lovely! Glad that your husband can have time off and spend time with your family. Such time are so precious!

    Thank God for seeing us through another year. Thank God that He is with us through all the changing scenes in life. Thank God that we are More Than Conquerors through Him Who loved us!

    Thanks for all your prayers and encouragements. I am so glad to meet you and many wonderful friends through blogging. I have created a "More Than Conquerors Award" and I like to share with you. Please come over and receive it and feel free to pass it on to your friends who also are More Than Conquerors! Take care and Blessed New Year!


  4. I have to agree with your #3. We, too, have wonderful neighbors. They are just an extension of our family.

  5. Glad your hubby is able to spend time with the family - wonderful time to make memories as you play in the snow. :-) #5 is a great reminder to all of us! Thank you for sharing and have a blessed New Year!

  6. Awesome post! Praise God for such awesomeness in His nature, and for family.

  7. many wonderful things to be thankful for
    my daughters husband has been home with her for that length of time as well they are using that time to bond together more

  8. Your list of blessings are so good. I am glad for you too that your hubby has been able to spend time with you all. Snow sounds wonderful to me. As a Csalifornis gal I haven't seen much of that. May your New Year be truly blessed. Debbie

  9. awesome list! Thank you for sharing.
    Happy New Year!

  10. Happy TT and a very blessed Happy New Year to you and yours! Thank you for having such a grateful heart and blessing us with your words in 2009. (((hugs))) LAURIE

  11. I love your eternal perspective! That is something the Lord is also teaching me so I was delighted to read what you wrote. It changes everything each day, doesn't it? Trials and problems don't seem so overwhelming. It's not that I enjoy them though but I look for the lessons God is teaching me in the midst of them.

    What a blessing to read your TT post. May this next year be a good one for you and your family.


  12. Happy New Year! March forth with joy and great anticipation....


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