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Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #41

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
1. Congratulations to my 17 yo daughter, Alyssa! Her script submission to CSE's Creation Minute audio series has been accepted as a finalist for production! She received a $15 credit in their online store.

2. I finished reading Alyssa's novel manuscript. It's really good :). She hopes to get it published some day soon.

3. Our kids participated in worldmathsday (March 1st) and worldspellingday (March 3rd). They competed against kids around the world in real time. They did a great job at both math and spelling.

4. Life, In Spite of Me by Kristen Jane Anderson with Tricia Goyer.  It is a heart-wrenching yet inspiring true story of a young woman who wanted to end her life but instead discovered life in Christ. Her failed suicide attempt turns into a story of hope and purposeful living for God! You can read and rate my review here. If you know anyone who is struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, please recommend this book to him/her.

5. My Pick-Your-Book Giveaway. The winner (randomly chosen) will get to pick a book of his/her choice from the list (10 great books to pick from such as Outlive Your Life by Max Lucado, Blue Like Play Dough by Tricia Goyer, The 7 Minute Life Daily Planner, etc.). The giveaway ends 3/13.


  1. great FFF list....I've seen that book and keep meaning to check out our towne library to see if they have it yet...I keep seeing it in stores and it looks like a good read....what an amazing woman, huh?? It's always great to see our children's accomplishments!! My oldest is 17 as well.....and loves to write! She had one short story published back in elementary's a joy to see our children thrive in their passions and giftings!

  2. I've been tossing around whether or not I should review that book. Your review makes me definitely want to get it.

    Your kids really seem to thrive on academics. Kudos to them.

  3. Send my congrats to Alyssa too! It’s always fun when our kids are affirmed through outside sources for their gifts. I will check into Life, In Spite of Me. Sounds like a good book.

  4. Congrats to Alyssa!

    I've seen that book mentioned here and there -- it looks really good.

  5. Congratulations to your daughter, you must be so proud! Also for the good job in world math and spelling days. How wonderful!
    Thanks for book recommendations, too.. I am always looking for my next good book!


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