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Friday, March 4, 2011

Pick-Your-Book Giveaway

I love to read and I enjoy doing book reviews. However, I have too many books, not enough shelves :). So I'm hosting a book giveaway. The winner (randomly chosen) will get to pick a book of his/her choice from the list below. Some of these are brand new (extra copies) while others are like new. You can click on the titles that are linked to read my reviews of those books. This giveaway is open only to U.S. residents. It ends on 3/13 at midnight (Pacific time).

- Outlive Your Life by Max Lucado (Christian Life $24.99)
- Trusting God to Get You Through by Jason Crabb (Christian Life/Inspirational $14.99)
- Blue Like Play Dough by Tricia Goyer (Christian Living/Spiritual Growth/Women $13.99)
- Green Like God by Jonathan Merritt (Christian living $16.99....Disclaimer: I have not read this book yet so I have no idea if it's good or not :).)
- Jump: Into a Life of Further and Higher by Efrem Smith (Christian life $14.99)
- The 7 Minute Life Daily Planner ($14.99)
- Finding Inner Peace During Troubled Times by William Moss
- Finding Jeena by Miralee Ferrell (Christian Fiction)
- Never Blame the Umpire by Gene Fehler (Juvenile Fiction $12.99)
- The Dragon and the Turtle Go on Safari by Donita K. Paul and Evangeline Denmark, Illustrated by Vincent Nguyen (Picture Book $11.99)

To Enter (required): Visit and come back here to let me know one thing you learn about Purex Complete Crystals Softener.

For Extra Entries: 1. Post about this giveaway and link to this post on your blog.
                               2. Post the link to this giveaway on your Facebook page or tweet it. Please also leave your Facebook link or twitter link in your comment.
                               3. Rate my review of Life, In Spite of Me here, then come back to let me know you've done so (you don't need to tell me what rating you give me :)).
                               4. Rate my daughter's review of Radical here, then come back to let me know you've done so (you don't need to tell me what rating you give her).


  1. I learned that Purex crystals are 92% natural.

    ajandmichelle AT juno DOT com

  2. It's great to know that Purex new softener is Free of oil-based softening ingredients found in liquid softeners. I like learning something new each day! I am following gfc.

  3. I learned that it's a *Completely* new approach. I learned, it infuses my families clothes with long lasting freshness. I learned it's a completely new approach to softening. It dissolves in water and gives into the spaces between fabric fibers.

    I learned--information I never wanted too! :P

    But I enter regardless!!

  4. I learned you add them at the beginning so they spend more time with your clothes.

    I'd love the Max Lucado book!!!

  5. Hey there.....are you a purex insider? Me too and they are 92% natural!!! Would love to win another book. I started on paperback swap last week since I have so many. I love your idea of this giveaway!

  6. I tweeted!!!!/faithfamilyfibr/status/44929286838300672

  7. Hello, I saw your name on a comment on Giveaway Blogs and followed you here. I'm now following your blog. :) I see you have a button for Joshua Tree. My pastor was just telling us about this project this week. We are sending missionaries to several unreached people groups now and plan to expand this year. Good to meet you. I'll be back to read more. :)

  8. I have no idea that Purex Crystals were 92% natural. Maybe I need to pick up some. Hmm... And there are three different fragrances!

    Amy // artsyrockerchick at aim dot com

  9. I learned that Purex Complete Crystals Softener has a scent that lasts for weeks, not days - and that is a great thing!!!!

  10. I'm always looking for household items that are natural and safe for the environment. It's 92% natural and that is WAY more than I thought it would be. Bravo!

  11. New to the twitter- I don't know where to find the link to my tweet, but my twitter name is frugalmomma86 and I did indeed tweet!

  12. Facebook posted too!!/

  13. Rated your radical review. You're a great writer and one lucker reader to get to review all these books!

  14. Also rated Against All Odds. Wonderful!

  15. Long lasting softness and freshness with 92% natural crystals. Purex extrodinary. I am sorry I am so late with my sign up but have been ill. I will welcome any book the Lord sends my way that is appropriate for my senior citizen age. I do side with nonfiction.

  16. I learned that on towels-it doesn't reduce water absorbency. We don't use fabric sheets just for that reason!
    wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

  17. I Rated your review of Life, In Spite of Me!
    wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

  18. I Rated your daughter's review of Radical.
    wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

  19. I can't believe the difference in the absorbency test! Purex Crystals absorbed a lot more than the towel with regular fabric softener.

  20. Purex Crystals go in at the start of the wash so they spend more time with your laundry infusing them with long-lasting freshness.

    What a fun giveaway!

  21. I learned that 92% of the ingredients are natural!

    reaching5678 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  22. I ranked your review of Life In Spite of Me! I am so glad I did, because I would really like to read that book now!

    reaching5678 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  23. I rated your daughter's review of Radical. That looks like an awesome book.

    reaching5678 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  24. oh wow, I learned that traditional softeners are made with nasty oil, isn't that what we try to wash out of our clothes? and that purex crystals are 92% natural... that's great, what's good for our bodies should be good for the earth too. I also learned that purex laundry detergent is made from mostly plant based ingredients. I'm seriously thinking about trying both items next time I go shopping. Thanks for the info!


Thank you for visiting my blog! I'm so glad you're leaving me a comment :). I hope you enjoyed your visit and will come back again. Although I may not know you, I love you with the love of the Lord. And of course, He loves you very much!