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Wednesday, June 25, 2014


"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the Head over ever power and authority." Colossians 2:9-10
- "In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form"--This refutes the Gnostic teaching that matter is evil since the Deity Himself has been manifest in bodily form of Jesus. The "fullness" refers to the totality of God's nature and attributes.
- In Christ, we have been brought to fullness. Union with Christ is sufficient because Christ is the Head over every power and authority. Christians are complete in Christ alone. No one else and nothing else will ever make us complete. In 2006, I wrote the following poem, "Complete in Christ".

Complete in Christ

Philosophy, psychology
Idolatry, ceremony
They do not set us free.
We are complete in Christ...Christ alone.

Legalism, mysticism, asceticism
Animism, Hinduism, Buddhism
Don't be fooled and trapped in man-made religions.
We are complete in Christ...Christ alone.

Spiritual formulas, worldly principles
Self-help books, staged miracles
These won't save us. Don't be gullible.
We are complete in Christ...Christ alone.

Elaborate church buildings, expensive programs
Certain prayer patterns...we have to discern
Don't be captivated. Don't be intimidated.
We are complete in Christ...Christ alone.

Popularity, plastic surgery
Model looks, designer clothes
Don't be envious. We don't need those.
We are complete in Christ...Christ alone.

Drugs, cults, New Age, evolution
Power, portfolios, prosperity
Don't be led astray. Don't love money.
We are complete in Christ...Christ alone.

Luxurious homes, acres & acres of land
Private planes, latest high-tech gadgets, fancy cars
We don't need anything extra.
We are complete in Christ...Christ alone.

Degrees, recognition, career
Costly hobbies, social status, approval of peers
Think of heaven, not just now and here
We are complete in Christ...Christ alone.

Human regulations, immediate gratification
Sensual indulgence, collection of things
They give us no peace. True joy..they don't bring
We are complete in Christ...Christ alone.

~ Copyright 2006 Urailak Liljequist

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