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Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #103

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story)

My Fave Five this week:
1. Our old electric piano died. So thankful that God led us to a used like-new one! Josiah (whose main passion besides basketball is music...playing piano and composing) was beyond elated. Also thankful that God protected me from getting seriously hurt when falling from our truck while helping Eric and the boys move the piano.
2. Have I told you lately that I have the sweetest husband in the world :)? On Sunday, Eric went grocery-shopping for me and brought home a surprise for me. Tulips are my favorite flowers. He is always sweet, loving, and romantic. Almost 24 years of marriage...he still melts my heart! 

3. Simple but oh so yummy (and pretty healthy, too): Multigrain spaghetti with homemade turkey meatballs. Thumbs up from four of us! 
4. My sweet hubby brought home sushi (another cool surprise) on Wednesday. Happy Tummy :)! We love sushi!

5. I was touched by this documentary trailer at Mundane FaithfulnessWe may not understand why but we can always trust our Loving Father Who is good, gracious, sovereign and is with us forever.

You can watch the entire FREE webcast of the Discipleship Forum tomorrow (March 14th)! Click here to register. The speakers included Francis Chan, Jim Putnam, Jeff Vanderstelt, Robert Coleman, Bill Hull, and KP Yohannan.


  1. your tulips are lovely...they are my fave flower besides lilacs! yay for multigrain pasta....that's all I buy now and we have cut out all beef and replaced it with bison just once a month but we like our pasta with loads of steamed veggies on top tossed with a basil vinaigrette....yum! you just gave me a dinner idea for tonight�� that's awesome that you could replace your piano. ( I was a piano major in college but I have a " real" piano, not electric). sadly it hardly gets used these days and both daughters chose violin to study! tell your boy to keep on playing! enjoy the weekend!

  2. How sweet to get flowers unexpectedly! So great that you found a good used piano as well. We used ground turkey for a lot of recipes in place of ground beef. The spaghetti looks yummy!

  3. Tulips are one of my favourite flowers too! So thoughtful of your hubby! I hope you are okay after that fall! And what a blessing to find that piano!

  4. The tulips are lovely. What a sweet, thoughtful man your husband is. Wonderful that you found a new piano!

    Beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace on your website. It's such a blessing to listen to such a beautiful song.

  5. Tulips are just wonderful flowers, aren't they? Do you know Jane Brocket who blogs at yarnstorm and yarnstormpress? She loves tulips and photographs her many tulips in her British garden? You'd love them if you love tulips.
    I'm glad too that you have a like new piano!


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