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Friday, March 6, 2015

True Greatness

- The disciples had argued about who was the greatest so Jesus settled the matter using a paradox. To be great in God's kingdom, one must be last of all and servant of all. True greatness is found not in position but in humble servanthood. "Should you then seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them." (Jeremiah 45:5a) There is no place for pride, vanity, and selfish ambitions. God hates pride and arrogance but He gives grace to the humble. We must be willing to be last, least, and to perform the lowest services to all with humility and meekness. 
- Make sure we serve with the right attitude and motive (agape). Do you serve from the need for approval, applause, admiration or for status and significance? Biblical servanthood involves submission, selflessness, and sacrifice, following the example of our SaviorMany people desire to do great things for God but overlook countless small deeds of kindness that they could do. True servants of God see others' needs and quietly, lovingly meet them.
"We easily forget that sometimes the greatest work we can perform for Him, is to do the little things He gives us to do, quietly and sweetly." (J.R. Miller)
"It was only a cup of water with a gentle grace bestowed, 
but it cheered the lonely traveler upon life's dusty road. 
None noticed the cup of water as a beautiful act of love, 
save the angels keeping the records away in the land above. 
The trifles in secret given, the prayer in the quiet night,
and the little unnoticed nothings are great in our Savior's sight!" (Unknown)

"He is more concerned about our character as expressed in servant living than our comfort. His ultimate goal is not to pamper us physically or emotionally, but to perfect us spiritually, conforming us into the character of the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus gave Himself redemptively for us to restore us to God and create a people who would live as servants of God in the service of others proclaiming the good news and loving others for Him. Thus, as Christ gave Himself, so God wants us to give ourselves for others." (J. Hampton Keathley III)
- Prayer: Father, please help me to love and serve others with humility like Jesus does. Please open my eyes to see the needs of others and how I can meet those needs. Please help me to faithfully follow Christ's footsteps. Use me and make me be Your hands and feet in the world for Your glory and for Your kingdom. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

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