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Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #43

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
1. I've started a page on Facebook called "Christ Alone". Christ alone I am saved by and Christ alone is my Lord, Savior, and Life and Christ alone I will proclaim, praise, & exalt! If you're on Facebook, please stop by and check it out :).

2. G.A. Henty's books (Kindle Edition) are available free for download on Amazon. You don't have to have a handheld Kindle. You can install Kindle for PC to your computer at no cost.

3. Blog-hopping via the Ultimate Blog Party 2011. I have 3 party for each, here, and here :).

4. Are you a Rebecca St. James fan or do you like to collect worship CDs like me :)? You can win a copy of her new CD, "I Will Praise You" here.

5. Just in time for Easter...You can win a Magdalena: Through Her Eyes DVD package from Campus Crusade for Christ. Wonderful ministry tool for small groups, women's ministry, churches! Great evangelism tool for any Christ's follower! You are part of the Body of Christ (the Church) and you can host a movie night with a purpose for friends, family, co-workers, or neighbors. Please check out my review and giveaway for details.


  1. I didn’t know about the Henty books free on Kindle. I’ll have to check them out. Thanks! I bought the new Rebecca St. James CD for my 17-yr-old neighbor’s birthday last night. I hope she likes it. Thanks for sharing such informative links here!

  2. I didn't know about the Henty books being free on Kindle! I'll have to check that out, for sure.

    Have a great week ahead.

  3. Thanks for the tip about not having to own a kindle. I've wondered about that.

    Worship CD's is what we own the most of. I'll have to look into that new one by Rebecca.

  4. I just stopped by facebook and "liked" your page.

    I've been hopping with UBP11, too. It's fun, but ti will be next April before I get through this list! I am following you here with GFC now. (I have already been by at "Fruitbearers")

    I'm loving the Rebecca St James CD, too.

  5. Lots of fun things this week! Books and more books I want to read--so many books, so little time, even with a Kindle!


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