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Friday, September 4, 2009

I Could Never Promise You

Friday Photo Flashback

My husband and I will be celebrating our 18th anniversary this coming Monday (Sept. 7th). Our daughter helped me put this video together to surprise my beloved. The song, I Could Never Promise You, by Don Francisco is one of our favorites. I'm exceedingly thankful to the Lord for bringing us together from across the land and sea and keeping us together with His awesome love which is stronger than anything in the whole world and lasts forever. Each day is such a beautiful gift from the Lord; I get to spend it with my best friend, the Love of My Life. We are inseparable; we are truly one in Christ for a lifetime and beyond. We're blessed, indeed!

I Could Never Promise You
(Words and Music by Don Francisco, 1977)

I could never promise you on just my strength alone
That all my life I'd care for you, and love you as my own
I've never known the future; I only see today
Words that last a lifetime would be more than I could say

But the love inside my heart today is more than mine alone
It never changes, it never fails, never seeks its own
And by the God who gives it, and who lives in me and you
I know the words I speak today are words I'm going to do

And so I stand before you now for all to hear and see
I promise you in Jesus' name the love He's given me
And through the years on earth and as eternity goes by
The life and love He's given us are never going to die…

Previous Friday Photo Flashback:
- In Father's Hands
- Thai Version of Wipe Out
- My Graduation Day in Thailand


  1. wow, love your entry here.. It speaks greatly of love and blessings from the Lord. Truly the Lord is a perfect match maker.. He arranged your lovelife beautifully.. Bless you more.. The photos are great!!!

  2. wow, so nice, glad to know you. I'm a teacher here in Thailand, purposely reached out your people for Christ. I'll be connecting...
    Blessings to you!

  3. That is so sweet. Happy Anniversary!

  4. What a great video!! That is so special and yes, you really are blessed. I'm glad you shared that with us, take care ~ ♥

  5. Congratulations on your 18th anniversary. Long happy marriages are inspiring. Thanks for sharing the video.

  6. I love the slideshow! How sweet that your daughter helped you put it together!!!

  7. That is so sweet. And your wedding pictures are beautiful. Happy Anniversary on Monday!

  8. Again Happy Anniversary & Congrats on 18 yrs.! This is a beautiful surprise & I enjoyed your photos put together in this video...but I love the song by Don Francisco! Beautiful!

  9. I love the video. Happy 18th year Anniversary!


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