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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

More Blessed

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35  And you know Jesus is always right!  It is indeed more blessed to give than to receive.  It's such a joy to be able to share God's love, joy, and hope with others, especially those in need.  Every year, our kids enjoy packing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  I've recently found the above picture which was taken in 2002.  If you are not familiar with OCC, please read this post.  If you already are familiar with OCC, I'd like to remind you that the collection week this year is November 16-23 :).

Previous WFW:
- My Soul Pants for You
- Without Excuse
- Plentiful Harvest
- More Than Conquerors
- Where Does My Help Come From?
- Jubilant, Joy, and Judge
- Rooted in Love
- Who Daily Bears Our Burdens?
- Reflecting the Lord's Glory
- The Rock Eternal
- His Eye Is On The Sparrow


  1. Yes, I knew Operation Christmas Child. The churches here in Thailand received that and gave to other children who are in need.
    Blessings to all of work. Many were blessed indeed!

  2. This is a great work. Blessings to you as you keep on doing things for the Lord.

  3. I love the operating power of God's blessings...the more you divide, the more it becomes. It never runs out...God bless you for doing this...And what an example you show with your children that it's not about "me", "me"...but to share things in Jesus' Name.

  4. Very sweet picture...we participate with OCC through our church...wonderful ministry!

  5. this is great -- we do the shoe box ministry with our church ... last year we did angel tree ... it's so wonderful to give back! :)

  6. Oh how precious!! You are teaching your children how to give!!

    Great word...

    Hope you have a blessed WFW♥

  7. A cute picture and verse and sweet project for them ~

  8. how precious! it's nice to teach our children the right attitude. this just came to mind --- not everything that's being done by so many means it's the right thing to do. i don't know why that thought suddenly came to my mind, but anyhow, i say amen to this verse.


  9. Great post! We love Samaritan's Purse shoeboxes and have been preparing these almost every year for years. My grandkids and I have a great time picking out just the right items for little boys and girls their own ages in far away countries. I have to confess I am often late, but thanks to my efficient granddaughter, we've actually turned ours in this year. It's a terrific way to teach our grandkids and kids that one of the best ways to celebrate Christmas is to give to others. :)


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