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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Be Thou My Vision

I never get tired of listening to (or singing) "Be Thou My Vision." The words were translated from the 8th century Irish hymn by Mary E. Byrne (1880-1931) and versified by Eleanor H. Hull (1860-1935).

This hymn means so much to me because it is not only one of my all-time favorite hymns, but also my heart's desire and my prayer!

Note: Please turn off my playlist at the bottom of this page before starting the videos.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." Proverbs 29:18

Lord, please give me your vision, passion, and compassion!  Please help me to know You more and to be more like Christ.  In Jesus's name, I pray.  Amen!

Previous Songs:
- God With Us
- Offering- Christmas Version 
- How Many Kings
- Give Thanks
- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
- He Knows My Name
- Oh Lord, You're Beautiful!
- What the Lord Has Done in Me
- I Surrender All
- Mighty To Save
- Could I Be Called a Christian?
- Cry Out to Jesus
- Jesus, Be the Center
- God of Justice
- Love That Will Not Let Me Go
- I Will Offer Up My Life
- When It's All Been Said and Done
- Knowing You, Jesus
- In Christ Alone


  1. I love many of the older hymns. The words are so wonderful. I also love that we can visit many blogs on TSMSS and worship together. Thank you for sharing this one. I also enjoy Fernando Ortega but this version was sung beautifully too.

    Happy New Year!

  2. I never tire of this hymn either. I also love the version by Ginny Owens, who is blind. When she sings it, it is so moving. But it's beautiful no matter who is singing it. Thanks for sharing it today.

  3. Blessings...and AMEN! Yes LORD Give us Your vision, Your passion & Your Compassion to be more like You in 2010! Be THOU our Vision and keep us from perishing without sharing Your Kingdom!!! I love Fernando's version but like the video & voice of the second one! Thanks for sharing! From what I know of you, from what you share here at Living for God...this is your heart's desire & prayer lived out! I pray that this is so for you in 2010!

  4. Beautiful words, a wonderful hymn ~


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