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Friday, October 2, 2009

Harvest Festival

Friday Photo Flashback

Our family does not celebrate Halloween.  We usually focus on the Reformation Day and sometimes attend Harvest Festivals at some churches.  The pictures above were taken in 2005 at a church's harvest festival.  My boys dressed as Israelites (with sweatshirts inside because it was very cold :)).  My youngest son had a big gum grin while holding the "mouse pumpkin/ pumpkin mouse" he made.

Speaking of harvest, my 16 year old daughter who is a regular contributor at Growing In Grace Magazine, wrote an article titled, "Plentiful Harvest" for this month's issue.  She also includes a video she just made featuring one of our favorite Christian organizations.  Please let her know what you think.  Thanks!

Previous Friday Photo Flashback:
- I Love Mommy & Daddy
- Corn Roast Festival
- A Taste of Thailand
- I Could Never Promise You
- In Father's Hands
- Thai Version of Wipe Out
- My Graduation Day in Thailand


  1. What great pictures. I love the Israelites....Have a great weekend.

  2. I love celebrating like this. Our church does lots at the end of the month for the children.

  3. Adorable picture!!

    Same here. We don't do the "halloween" thing, but we do participate in our church Harvest Festival. It's a great outreach for the community!

  4. What great pictures for this time of year...Harvest Festivals are very nice.

  5. A lot of churches are switching to Harvest Festivals and truly, the children seem to be fine without all the trick or treat. Obviously, from your pictures, festivity is still part of your celebration.

  6. A cute pictures. I do hope our church also will celebrate harvest festivals. Yes, we are not celebrating Halloween also.


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