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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Right Words at the Right Time

- Right words spoken the right way at the right time are invaluable, precious, lovely, exquisite, and immensely admired & appreciated... like apples of gold in settings of silver. Timely advice is priceless. Proper/appropriate speech suitable for circumstances is wonderfully pleasant and well-received. Words of counsel and words of comfort are crucial. Words of prayers are coveted. Words of wisdom are sought. Words of kindness are refreshing. Even words of rebuke are necessary. "A person finds joy in giving an apt reply--and how good is a timely word!" (Proverbs 15:23)
- Effective communication is a beautiful art. We can use our words to show others our love and care for them, to encourage and edify them, to cheer up, heal or soothe weary/hurting ones, to lead the lost to Christ, etc. Sometimes God uses us to speak words or share His Word at the moment they need to be said because someone needs to hear. Other times God touches our hearts deeply through words that others say.
- Esther waited for the right moment to make "the request". Timing is important. Have you ever tried to have a deep discussion about some important issues with your husband right when he just gets home from a long day of work? He may not be ready and willing to hear all that you have to say. Wait for the right time :)!
- Prayer: Father, please forgive me when my words are not kind, gracious, appropriate, considerate, or respectful. Please give me the right words at just the right time so that they can meet the needs of others and build others up. Please help my conversation be always full of grace. "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14) In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

Day 1: The Right Words at the Right Time
Day 2: Prideful Heart
Day 3: Plan What Is Good
Day 4: The Lord Our Righteousness
Day 5: No Excuse Whatsoever
Day 6: Speak What Is Right and True
Day 7: Pride Precedes Plummeting
Day 8: Use God's Gifts with Humility
Day 9: Humility vs. Humiliation
Day 10: The Gospel Announced in Genesis
Day 11: Broken Cisterns
Day 12: Kindness and Patience
Day 13: Worry about Nothing; Pray about Everything
Day 14: Wherever You Go
Day 15: The Lord Loves Justice
Day 16: God's Purposes Prevail
Day 17: Pit Diggers and Stone Rollers, Watch Out!
Day 18: The Lord My Rock
Day 19: By Grace Through Faith
Day 20: Be Faithful
Day 21: Love the Lord; Hate Evil
Day 22: How Shall We Pray for Our Enemies?
Day 23: My Tongue Will Tell
Day 24: Speak Up
Day 25: Be Cheerful
Day 26: Happy Are the Forgiven!
Day 27: Burden Bearer
Day 28: Unworthy F.A.T. Servants
Day 29: Sleepless in the Desert of Judah
Day 30: Waiting
Day 31: Go and Tell


  1. Thank you for posting, it's nice to visit a new blog!

  2. Words are powerful. It's a good reminder, you've given us, to speak life. What amazing possibilities are open to us each day to lift another's spirits, to encourage someone who is down, and to bring more Light into a dark world. Thank you... I look forward to reading more of your words :)

  3. Thank you for this powerful words.

  4. Great post! I am working on being very intentional with my words and your post is a great reminder! Thanks!

  5. The importance of words! So true here; both the written and the spoken! Good reminder.

  6. It's not easy to filter our words, but it's so important. It's taken me a long time to realize the power of words and to speak more intentionally. Thank you for linking up at Inspire Me Mondays!

  7. We can never consider the importance of our words enough! I am a teacher, so I know my words can build up or tear down. Great post!


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