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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

As White As Snow

I love snow.  I really love the pure white bright beauty of snow.  How thankful I am that Jesus shed His blood to wash away my scarlet sins and make me pure, clean, white as snow!  Only Jesus can turn red into white...sinners into children of God!

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.  God presented Him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in His blood." Romans 3: 24-25a

Previous WFW:
- Our Days


  1. I love this verse and love your picture. I love snow too but we have just gotten a light dusting here. Maybe we will get some more before spring. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love thinking about this verse when fresh snow blankets the ground. It's a beautiful reminder every time we look at it that He has cleansed us.

  3. Few years back, there were many constructions going on like building houses, stores, etc...People say that it only snows every 50 yrs. where I live. That night, it snowed. I found myself feeling awed going home from work. Because all the dirt from the constructions were all gone. Instead, this beautifully laid white snow covered everything. So beautiful. Glory to God for His sacrifice that makes all the dirts of our sins be as white as snow. Blessings.

  4. Wonderful, how He washes away my sins so they they are white as snow.

  5. Love the picture and the powerful verse. Thanks for sharing today.

  6. ...white as snow...we were on the same page...create in me a clean heart.

    I love all the winter themes...


  7. Amen! I love snow too, especially if I am seeing it while in a cabin in the mountains :)

  8. One of my favorite songs and to think about the price that was paid to wash our sins away

  9. A beautiful picture and verse ~


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