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Friday, December 11, 2009

Earliest Picture of Me

Friday Photo Flashback 

This is the earliest picture of me.  It was taken when I was 17 months old.  I don't know how it got so torn up but I'm glad my mom had kept it and given it to me.  Tomorrow, I'll turn 41.  I am thankful for each day that the Lord has made.  Another day closer to spending eternity with my Savior!  Living is grand when we're living for God.

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20

P.S. I'm hosting a giveaway (4 free movie tickets) on my HSB blog. The deadline is tomorrow at midnight (Pacific time). Hope you will stop by and enter :)!

Previous Friday Photo Flashback:
- To Grandma's House We Go
- Best Brothers...Best Buddies
- Harvest Festival
- I Love Mommy & Daddy
- Corn Roast Festival
- A Taste of Thailand
- I Could Never Promise You
- In Father's Hands
- Thai Version of Wipe Out
- My Graduation Day in Thailand


  1. I love these types of photos. I have so many like them too. I'm so thankful to have them. Well, they are my moms but I have them at my house..heehee.

    Have a very Happy Birthday tomorrow!!!!

    Oh, and thanks for the heads up on your giveaway!

  2. Happy birthday! I am only a few weeks older than you. What a great photo! I featured a photo a few years back...but not this far have Rich Mullens playing...
    Be Blessed!

  3. Wow, forty years ago! You have sweet smile. Following your blog now.

    Couldn't get a holiday photo since we don't have a scanner so I am sharing grade school photos again.

  4. what a great picture! I am so glad your mom kept it and you are able to have it. :)


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