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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Speak Up

Life is a gift from God.  All are precious in God's eyes.  Our family is very passionate about saving the lives of the unborn.  Every year, my daughter, Alyssa, participates in Steps for Life, an annual fund-raising event for Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRC). Please consider helping save the unborn by clicking here. Any amount helps! If you would like to help but do not want to use credit card, please email me your pledge and mailing address and PRC wil bill you later after the walkathon (May 15th). My email address is . Let's speak up and be a voice for the voiceless!  Thanks for doing all you can for these precious lives and God bless!

Previous WFW:
- One


  1. We can not be reminded enough of the preciousness of life...all life...

    peace to you for sharing this!


  2. Fearfully and wonderfully made....such a great verse!

  3. our posts do match today! lol.
    mine are precious little feet I did today as well of a 10 day old.

  4. Amen, amen, and amen. Would love to pass that one around.

  5. We never will and should forget the unborn. Keep pressing on, with that verse before you. That's what we all must do!

  6. Oh what a great word and reminder for us all.

    Great song playing too!!

    Blessings to you this WFW♥

  7. poignant but lovely reminder of how cheap human life is in the eyes of many. I can only take comfort in the fact that we will find all these little lives in Heaven on day.

  8. Thanks for this wonderful reminder to pray for the unborn !


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