I love all of Jesus's names. One of them that touches my heart deeply is Immanuel: God with us. I am forever grateful and in awe that our Almighty God who can have anything in this universe, loves us so much and wants to be with us...to dwell in us.
"The virgin will be with Child and will give birth to a Son and they will call Him Immanuel (Emmanuel)--which means, 'God with us.'" Matthew 1:23
The skies don't seem to be as dark as usual
The stars seem brighter then they've been before
Deep within I feel my soul a stirring
As though my hope has been restored
The shepherds say they've heard the voice of angels
Confirming rumors spread across the land
That a child protected well from Herod's anger
Is our Father's Son, and the son of man
Love is raining down on the world tonight
There's a presence here I can tell
God is in us, God is for us, God is with us, Emmanuel
He's the Savior we have been praying for
In our humble hearts He will dwell
God is in us, God is for us, God is with us, Emmanuel
I feel compelled to tell all who will listen
That peace on earth is not so out of reach
If we can find grace, mercy and forgiveness
He has come to save, He is all of these
You're the Savior we have been praying for
In our humble hearts You will dwell
You are in us, You are for us, You are with us, Emmanuel
Rejoice! Rejoice in the joy of Christ's birth and of knowing that He is with us, in us, and for us! Merry CHRISTmas, everyone!
P.S. I'm hosting a book giveaway on my HSB blog. You can win a copy of 40 Loaves: Breaking Bread with Our Father Each Day by C.D. Baker. The deadline is this Sunday, Dec. 20th at midnight (Pacific time). Hope you will stop by and enter:)! I am also hosting 12 Pearls of Christmas until Dec. 25th on this blog. Please come back everyday to read different inspiring and touching stories written by well-known Christian female authors (Melody Carlson, Tricia Goyer, Susan May Warren, Dawn Meehan, Maureen Lang, Mary deMuth, Holley Gerth, and more...) and leave a comment for a chance to win a pearl necklace. Scroll down to see what I have posted so far.
Previous Songs:
- Offering- Christmas Version
- How Many Kings
- Give Thanks
- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
- He Knows My Name
- Oh Lord, You're Beautiful!
- What the Lord Has Done in Me
- I Surrender All
- Mighty To Save
- Could I Be Called a Christian?
- Cry Out to Jesus
- Jesus, Be the Center
- God of Justice
- Love That Will Not Let Me Go
- I Will Offer Up My Life
- When It's All Been Said and Done
- Knowing You, Jesus
- In Christ Alone
"Love is raining down on the world tonight There's a presence here I can tell God is in us, God is for us, God is with us, Emmanuel He's the Savior we have been praying for In our humble hearts He will dwell God is in us, God is for us, God is with us, Emmanuel"
Really, if these were the only lines of the song, it would be more than enough. What worship!
This is a beautiful song ! How wonderful, Emanuel , God with us !
Merry Christmas !
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