God is not dead! That's for sure. He is very active in His children's lives! This book confirms that fact. Don Jacobson and K-Love Radio Network together compiled 46 amazing true stories of everyday miracles.

God is constantly working (mostly behind the scene where we never see). Once in a while, He allows us to witness His glorious works in our lives and in the lives of others. I really enjoyed reading all the astonishing testimonies in this book. From a miraculous healing to a stunning life-saving, from a love story to an attempted suicide story, from a drug addiction to a hostage situation, from a car accident to a boat accident, from miscarriages to adoption,
It's a God Thing demonstrates over and over again that God never leaves us nor forsakes us. What a loving & caring God we serve!
From these stories, readers can clearly see God's presence, power, provision, protection, love, grace, and mercy. The book made me smile at God's never-ceasing goodness and faithfulness. God's redemption and transformation are also beautifully displayed. It's truly mind-boggling that God of the universe is so attentive to even the tiny details of our lives. Some of my favorite stories from the book are not major miracles but rather little things that show how wonderfully sweet and super cool (aka awesome) our Heavenly Father is :). If you pay attention, you will be able to see His fingerprints here and there everywhere. I personally can attest to that.
It's a God Thing is an encouraging and inspiring read! It will help refresh your soul, renew your hope, remind you of God's incredible love & inexhaustible grace, and strengthen your faith.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.