We can pray with confidence/boldness/assurance when we pray according to God's will because we know that He hears, He cares, and He responds. Our confidence is not in our words of prayers but in Christ, whose blood gives us access to the throne of God and in the character of God Who hears our prayers. With this confidence, we can freely express our thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires before God without fear, doubts, or hesitancy. When we pray, we must submit our will to His. The reason why we still have anxiety after praying is that we worry things won't turn out the way we want and when we want (according to our will). When we pray for God's will and God's ways, instead of ours, it leaves no room for worries because we leave all matters in God's hand, let go, and just wait to see how God will work things out (according to His will and His timing). "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:9) Pray with a childlike faith, knowing that our Heavenly Father, Who has infinite wisdom, will give us His children what's best for us according to His will. Pray. Trust. Rest. Be thankful that God's answers are always wiser than our prayers!
Prayer is not about words but rather the attitude of the heart and the condition of the soul that enjoy dwelling in God's presence. Prayer is pouring our heart out to our Heavenly Father, in love, in faith, in humble submission, and in gratitude. Pray earnestly without ceasing. Persevere in praying even when you don't understand God's will or God's ways. Remain steadfast and persistent in prayer as we await Christ's return. Praying draws us closer to God, and through prayer, God molds our desires and wills to align with His. I highly recommend praying the Scriptures because God's Word reveals His heart and His will. Such prayer cannot fail!
"Is not God wise enough to manage the complications of our lives--and to bring order and beauty out of them? Has He not skill enough? Is He not our Father? And will He not always do the very best and wisest thing for us? Should we not trust Him--and cease to be anxious about anything that we have committed to Him? Is not anxiety, doubt? And is not doubt, sin? We are simply to commit our way to the Lord, trust Him, and be at peace." (J.R. Miller)Three keys to answered prayers: faith (Mark 11:24), asking according to God's will (1 John 5:14), and right motives (James 4:3).
"In Jesus' Name we voice our prayers--
The Bible tells us to;
But may we never use that name
To tell God what to do." (D. De Haan)
"God's will, not mine, I make my goal
When I bow to Him in prayer;
I know He'll do what He deems best,
When I cast on Him my care." (Fitzhugh)
Prayer: Abba Father, thank You for hearing my prayers! Please forgive me and cleanse me from all selfishness in my life and in my prayers. Please draw me closer to You and help me to know You more. Please grant me a heart that seeks You above all else. May Your glory, Your kingdom, and Your will be my first priority in life and in my prayers! Please give me wisdom to know Your will and strength to do Your will. May Your desires be my desires Your passion my passion! May Your will be done in my life today and always! In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.
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