Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #6

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My fave five this week include:
1. Homemade tuna.  One of our neighbors gave us a basket filled with apples, pears, dates, and a jar of her delicious homemade tuna as a thank-you gift for picking up their mail and feeding their sheep while her husband and she were on their vacation.

2. Haagen-Dazs ice cream bars, especially the vanilla & dark chocolate ones.  One of my favorite treats!

3. Secret Sister Reveal Party at church.  I had a great time at the party last night.  My secret sister turned out to be my secret sister :).  The one I had prayed for is actually the same one who had been praying for me.

4. Tulips.  One of my favorite flowers.  My (no longer) secret sister gave me a pot of beautiful red tulips.  It's now sitting on my front porch. 

5. My 3 current fabulous giveaways: Win 2 certificates for What's In the Bible? DVDs by Phil Vischer, Win 500 custom made business cards, Win a copy of Start Here by Alex and Brett Harris.


Anonymous said...

Oh those Haagen-Dazs ice cream bars sound wonderful!! And I am also a tulip all those spring flowers. :)

Stephani Cochran said...

Sounds like you had a terrific week! I love baskets of goodies. What a great idea to do this as a thank-you gift. I like Tulips also, but I never seem to get them planted in time! Have a great week!

Susanne said...

Those Haagen Dazs bars are yummy. I haven't had one in forever. I may have to make a special trip for one this weekend. :v)

Tulips are my favorite flower too. Love all the colors.

Carrie said...

I wasn't expecting to hear a "gift ...for feeding the sheep!" That was kind of fun to hear! I was expecting the word "dog" or something. =D ha.

Yes yes to those Haagen Dazs bars! ;)

ellen b said...

Home made tuna! That sounds so much better then what I buy in a can :0)
Tulips really are a wonderful flower.
It's been years since I've participated in a Secret friend adventure. Glad you had a good time.

Barbara H. said...

Home made tuna -- I'd never heard of anyone packaging their own, but evidently it's possible!

I love the Secret Sister program at church. We have our reveal in December. It has happened a few times that two secret sisters had each other without ever guessing they did -- such fun!

I love tulips.

I also like the j. Wilbur Chapman quote in your sidebar -- I might borrow it, if that's ok.

Lisa notes... said...

I haven’t done secret sisters in a long time, but I remember it was always fun and encouraging. That’s neat that you and your secret sister were each other! I love tulips too.

TXDidi said...

Secret Sisters are fun to have and what a nice "twist" that you both had each other's names. That made it extra-special, indeed. I LOVE the Haagen-Daz ice cream bars. Now I'm hungry for one.

Annesta said...

What a terrific week! I am so pleased to see spring arrive. Tulips are my favorite.
Great week!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Any week with Haagen Das and tulips is a good one!

Happy weekend.

Robin said...

There is nothing better than home canned tuna. I'm going to go enter your giveaways.

Have a great weekend.

p.s. check out the giveaway on my blog

Willow said...

Wow, Hagen Daaz ice cream bars! Yes, they could be on my fave list every week.

Have a happy spring equinox weekend!

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