Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #5

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My fave five this week include:

1. Beautiful springy weather. Sunny..not too hot...not too cold...just right :). Dazzling daffodils brighten up our property. The magnolias are magnificent. I just can't help but rejoice in the Lord, our Creator who lovingly and generously gives us His beautiful creation to enjoy.

2. Biking. We had lots of fun biking in the beautiful weather.

3. Autism: The Musical, an inspirational documentary about five children with autism, their parents, and their acting coach who put together an original stage production, performed by autistic children. It's very interesting to watch; I could relate to and empathize with the parents because our 11 yo son has autism. Warning: there's some inappropriate language.

4. Listening to my kids recite Bible memory verses. My heart is bubbling with joy when I see my kids take delight in God's Word and help each other memorize the Scriptures. "I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You." (Psalm 119:11)

5. Hearing my kids shout out correct answers when watching Jeopardy. They are so well-rounded and smart. I think homeschooling and their love of learning/reading help a lot :).


Islandsparrow said...

What a lovely list -I'm imagining the scent of magnolias. I wonder if they can grow up here in my northern climate. I've heard they smell delicious.

I'm the same way when I see my kids make spiritual strides - fills my heart with joy!

Happy weekend!

PS - my word verification is "stir(r)" so I prayed that your kids and mine too will be stirred up for the things of the Lord.

Unknown said...

nice list... My daughter does the same with Jeopardy..she is not home schooled but does love to learn! Have a great week!

Carrie said...

Oh wow. It's been awhile since I've seen Jeopardy. My family used to watch that together when I was growing up. (Heh. I was also raised home schooled. haha!)

SPRING IS WONDERFUL! I've never enjoyed it so thoroughly until this year. So much enjoyment in all aspects of it.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Lisa notes... said...

I’m enjoying my daffodils, too. Aren’t they always such a welcome sign of spring? Blessings to you are you care for your son with autism. And as you homeschool. I have learned so much myself as I homeschool my daughters.

Susannah said...

Oooo... I love biking. And having smart kids! Especially Bible smart kids. Happy FFF!

Susanne said...

Your list made me smile. We're not quite there with daffodils popping out but soon I hope! And I can hardly wait for it to be nice enough to bike ride!

I haven't watched Jeopardy in forever. I was never any good at it. :v)

LeAnn said...

I love how your kids are answering the Jeopardy questions, those are not easy! Way to go!!!

Annesta said...

We've got spring going on in our part of the country too! It's lovely! And time for a bike ride is so fun!
Great list!
Grace to you

Jientje said...

Spring looks really beautiful in your part of the world, I can imagine it's wonderful to hop on the bike and enjoy that beautiful scenery! You're a proud mother, and you have every right to be proud of such sweet and intelligent kids. Have a great week!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Dazzling daffodils -- just lovely.

And my mother's heart warmed to your last two items. No greater joy to a mom.

Happy weekend.

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