Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #7

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My fave five this week include:
1. Clean and neat house.  I enjoyed it tremendously while it lasted :).

2. Reading aloud to my kids.  I've always loved doing that no matter how old they get :).  I daily read the Bible to the boys.  I've also been reading aloud Mr. Pipes and Psalms and Hymns of the Reformation.

3. DVD Swap.  I really like getting rid of DVDs that we no longer want to watch/keep and in return receiving DVDs that we want to watch/add to our collection.  Yesterday, I was excited to receive the DVD that I requested.  I'm also a fan of Paperback Swap.

4. Chatting with my 16 year old daughter.  She is so fun to be around.  She is also wise and mature.  We are very close; we can talk about anything.

5. My daughter's compassion for the unborn and passion to be a voice for them.  Every year, she participates in Steps for Life, an annual fund-raising event for Pregnancy Resource Centers.  Last year, she raised $1,362.20.  Her goal this year is $1,500.  Please consider helping save the innocent lives by clicking here.  Thanks and God bless!


ellen b said...

Wonderful 5! That is a great idea to swap DVD's. Reading out loud to your children is a wonderful thing! Hats off to your daughter for standing in the gap for those precious babies our society thinks they can choose to murder...

Carrie said...

I hadn't heard of DVD swap but that kinda makes sense!

I LOVE reading aloud to my kids - although they are active little ones. I still either bribe them or entice them with books that will interest them.

What a wonderful goal your daughter has to raise $1500 for the unborn.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

LeAnn said...

What a great week you have had. I am not familiar with DVD swap, but I have signed up for the book one...I just forgot about it. I am such a book lover, I really should use that fabulous resource. what an awesome daughter you have. Mine just turned 19, and she is a beauty as well. :)

Lisa notes... said...

Oh, how I love a clean and neat house. It’s one of my favorite things (but not a thing that I have right now!). Read-alouds are great. Enjoy it while you can. Aren’t teenage girls fun? I sometimes get frustrated with my 15-yr-old, but she is really quite a treasure!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

I'll have to check out both DVD and paperback swap! They sound like a great idea.

What a sweet teen. I'll be back to click after dinner.

Happy weekend.

Willow said...

Great FFF! Reading to children is so much fun and so good for them!

Have a great weekend!

Susanne said...

Wow, I am amazed by your daughter's dedication. Bless her in her fundraising for such an important cause!

I loved reading to my children too. It was a special time.

Mimi N said...

Awesome 5 reasons to be Faves this week! We have daughter's the same age. You are blessed for your closeness. Mine is struggling so much.

~Mimi from MBC Round Up

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